Demand City Council to set our application for hearing & approve The Justice Residence

Mercy Culture Church and The Justice Reform are dedicated to providing human trafficking victims in Fort Worth, TX, with a safe place for spiritual deliverance, healing, and restoration. The Justice Residence will be a discipleship center built on Mercy Culture's property for up to 100 victims of human trafficking at a time.

Despite meeting all the requirements set by the city and the Oakhurst neighborhood as well as filing an application to approve our site plan on August 5th, the Fort Worth Zoning Commission has refused to set this matter for public hearing which is necessary to obtain approval by City Council.

The plight of human trafficking victims in our city requires immediate attention. With limited beds and lack of long-term restoration housing for those being rescued, The Justice Residence is more than necessary—it's critical. We aim to provide best-in-class care, from spiritual discipleship to emotional and physical healing to restore these victims into lasting a relationship with God. Through prayer, worship, and spiritual education, this residence will offer an atmosphere of love, support, and one-on-one care, all of which are crucial to the recovery of these victims.

We need the City Council to fulfill their responsibility to the citizens they serve by ensuring that our application is heard by the Zoning Commission and ultimately approved by City Council. These are the next steps to bring healing and restoration to the lives disrupted by human trafficking.

Join us today to demand that the City Council and Mayor Mattie Parker set our application for hearing and approve the building of The Justice Residence. Every signature brings us closer to building The Justice Residence. Sign this petition to help bring the first long term restoration home for victims of human trafficking to Fort Worth, Texas.

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