Jail Greek farmers who walked free after shooting 28 Bangladeshi workers

  • par: Gerry Lydon
  • destinataire: The Greek government and your local MEP

Sign this petition to demand justice for 28 Bangladeshi strawberry pickers who were shot when they asked for their wages.

Instead of holding the farmer accountable for this disgusting crime, a Greek court has cleared the farm owner and head foreman of all charges.

In the wake of the Rana Plaza tragedy where 1,129 Bangladeshi garment workers died and hundreds were injured, the acquittal of these farmers who shot 28 Bangladeshi strawberry pickers when they asked for months of unpaid wages is more proof that people seem to think of Bangladeshis as subhumans to be treated literally worse than animals. Demand the Greek government jail the Greek farmers!

The fact that an EU country like Greece could allow people to shoot with not even a reasonable motive -- again, the Bangladeshi workers were simply looking for 6 months of unpaid backpay-- and then to walk free makes a mockery of the whole institution.

Unless the EU wants a "wild west, shoot at first disagreement" mentality to spread (just what the recent verdict encourages), it needs to sanction Greece for turning a blind eye on what was essentially an "I'll kill you if you complain" work environment for migrants! 

Tell Greece to jail farmers who have admitted to shooting Bangladeshi workers!

Thank you for your time!

I am writing this as a protest against Greek farmers who shot 28 Bangladeshi farmers being able to walk free. The workers endured slavery of the worst kind, something that has no place in our supposed peaceful democracy in the EU.

Mettre À Jour #3il y a 10 ans
The Greek ambassador has refused a meeting with me to address concerns despite 48,000 of you expressing them so hence out of respect to ye as well as the Bangladeshis, I feel it's time for a full boycott : Strawberries, olive oil, holidays and feta cheese etc. I will be informing with petition as many media and mep's as possible this. 1st :email mep's/Greek businesses with a sign saying "no blood greek strawberries". For actions/information : go to https://www.facebook.com/boycottgreece?ref=hl
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
Hi. Just to let you know tommorow is global day of action against blood strawberries. I will be giving 47,800 signatures to the Greek ambassador, Pembroke St, Dublin@4pm & I will be encouraging you to send a picture of yourself to mep's/greek ambassadors & businesses with strawberries in red liquid & a sign saying no "blood greek strawberries". Links : https://www.facebook.com/boycottgreece, https://keeptheeuslaveryfree.wordpress.com/ & a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU4o7PZBuF8 Thanks
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Hi. Oct 22nd@4pm, delivery of Greek shootings petition(printed out in boxes) to the Greek ambassador in 6 Pembroke st, Dublin. If in Dublin, I'd appreciate your support then or if at work afterwards. Outside Ireland, please send a photo to the local Greek ambassador & mep(& businesses dealing with Greek strawberries) of you, a box of strawberries with red paint/liquid and a sign with "No Manitoba blood strawberries".After, the petition will be sent to the above in Dublin and then globally.

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