These Two Jerks Filmed Themselves Throwing a Helpless Dog off a Cliff.

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Devon and Cornwall Police
Two jerks in Falmouth, United Kingdom, have just gone viral, and all for the wrong reasons. The two men filmed themselves tossing a helpless dog from a cliff. But the only people that are laughing are the two animal abusers who have now made it onto this week's list of the internet's worst people — and that is pretty hard to do. Luckily, thanks to concerned citizens who viewed the video and shared it with officials, the two could be in deep trouble. That is, if they ever get caught.

Sign to demand justice for the black and white dog that fell victim to these two animal abusers.

The video that was uploaded to social media shows one of the shameless pair standing at the edge of a cliff holding a dog that is wriggling and trying to free itself.  Perhaps it realized what was about to happen. The person filming says "Alright, go!" and then the other animal abuser swings the dog back and forth as to get momentum and then launches it off the side of the sheer rock cliff. The two howls with laughter until one finally says, seemingly speaking to the dog, " Don't resist me!" Below, the dog swims to shore and looks as if it avoided injury.

The premeditated disgusting display now has netizens scrambling demanding that officials find the two.

"Disgusting that people do this. They supposed to be man best friend. Sick world we live in honestly and seems to get worse by the day." Said one person after seeing the clip.

The two responsible for this callous act may, sadly, be minors. If that is the case then they should not be punished like adults, rather they must receive the help they need to them avoid any future incidents of violence against animals or people. If they are adults, however, they should face the full force of the law for the abuse they have committed.

While local police say they have identified the pair, no other news has been released and local citizens are already doubting that they will actually do anything to find and punish the two. That is unacceptable. As many people know, animal justice can often be swept aside and follow up rarely occurs. That is why it is so important to sign this petition and demand that Devon & Cornwall Police follow through with their promise to find the two and bring them to justice. Sign and share today.

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