Hawaii – Move Forward With Strict Felony Charges & Penalties For All Forms of Animal Abuse

  • par: Sue Lee
  • destinataire: Hawaii State Legislators

There have been many various reports of animal abuse and cruelty in Hawaii and the only way to stop these types of offenses. Read more at http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/5980830/hawaii-senator-introduces-animal-cruelty-bill. To help protect animals from further abuse, penalties and charges need to be escalated to a felony for any and all forms of animal cruelty, abuse, neglect & abandonment.  You can read more on Hawaii cruelty laws at http://www.straypetadvocacy.org/html/cruelty_laws.html.

There is never any justification for harming and/or killing a poor defenseless animal.  Unless in rare case of accidents or self-defense, animals never deserve to be mistreated but there are so many humans who look at them as objects without feelings.  Allegedly such abusers have never been taught as children how to respect animals with care, love and compassion.  In order to stop a recurring problem of animal abuse, laws, charges and penalties need to be more stringent. 

The effort of this petition is to urge the Hawaii State Legislators to implement and enforce strict felony charges and penalties for any and all forms of intentional animal abuse, neglect, cruelty and abandonment.  The proposed penalties need to ensure any and all offenses against an animal be classified as a felony.  Along with the felony offense and appropriate consequences, the offender would be listed as a registered animal abuser that would prevent future mistreatment, ownership and encounters with any animals for a lifetime, guaranteed.  Strict measurements need to be taken and fully enforced in order to put an end to such animal cruelty. You can step up and take a stand with me by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own thoughts and comments in the name of precious animals.

Hawaii State Legislators – I strongly urge you to implement and enforce strict felony charges and penalties for any and all forms of intentional animal abuse, neglect, cruelty and abandonment.  The proposed penalties need to ensure any and all offenses against an animal be classified as a felony.  Along with the felony offense and appropriate consequences, the offender would be listed as a registered animal abuser that would prevent future mistreatment, ownership and encounters with any animals for a lifetime, guaranteed.  Strict measurements need to be taken and fully enforced in order to put an end to such animal cruelty. Step up and take a stand in protecting animals for further and continual abuse.


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