Kamala is right -- Trump is a fascist

At a CNN town hall, Kamala Harris was asked whether she thinks Donald Trump is a fascist, and without hesitation, she responded, "Yes, I do."  And then she clearly explained why.

And just like that, Republicans started freaking out, including Trump himself. 

Tough.  Because Kamala is right -- Trump is a fascist.  Add your name if you agree. 

Republicans can't handle the truth. Not from Kamala, and not from multiple other officials -- including Trump's own former chief of staff. Trump is a fascist. He has said he would rule as a dictator.  He has dined with and endorsed self-professed Nazis.  He has has consistently defended white supremacists and fascist extremists, even calling them "very fine people." He's more than earned the monicker, and we think VP Harris is 100% right on using it.

Add your name if you agree. Kamala is right -- Trump is a fascist.   

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