Don't Chop Down 400 Mature Trees for Space Shuttle Delivery!

The California Science Center is planning to display the five-story-tall, 78-foot wide retired space shuttle Endeavor. Because the spacecraft is too large to be carried by helicopter or taken on the freeway, the Science Center plans to cut down about 400 mature trees along the streets of South L.A. and Inglewood to accomodate travel.

Residents are deeply upset over the planned removal of these large, magestic trees, which attract a variety of birds and add much beauty to the landscape. The Science Center will plant two saplings to replace each tree, but they will take a lifetime to grow as tall as the current trees.

According to South L.A. resident Claudine Jasmin, "My parents have lived in this neighborhood since before I was born, and we have these big pine trees on our street, and I'm sure it took forever for them to grow... It would be really, really horrendous to see all these years of a tree's growth completely diminished for one parade."

Please urge the California Science Center to reconsider their plans to chop down 400 trees to accomodate a space shuttle.

To: California Science Center

We, the undersigned, are concerned with your plans to cut down about 400 mature trees along the streets of South L.A. and Inglewood to accomodate the space shuttle Endeavor.

Residents are deeply upset over the planned removal of these large, magestic trees, which attract a variety of birds and add much beauty to the landscape. We appreciate your proposal to plant two saplings to replace each tree, but they will take a lifetime to grow as tall as the current trees. We don't believe that saplings are a suitable replacement.

According to South L.A. resident Claudine Jasmin, "My parents have lived in this neighborhood since before I was born, and we have these big pine trees on our street, and I'm sure it took forever for them to grow... It would be really, really horrendous to see all these years of a tree's growth completely diminished for one parade."

We believe that the trees are too valuable to sacrifice for the purposes of transporting a spacecraft. We urge you to seriously consider alternatives to cutting down these trees. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.


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