The Victorian Government Is Allowing Dingoes To Be Killed Through Trapping, Poisoning, and Shooting

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Victoria Minister for Environment and the Minister for Agriculture

The Victorian government in Australia recently made a reckless decision that puts dingoes at risk of extinction. A government order has extended the right to kill dingoes across large parts of eastern Victoria until 2028, threatening the survival of this keystone species. 

Sign the petition to urge the Victorian government to rescind the harmful order that classifies dingoes as "unprotected wildlife" and permits their killing through trapping, poisoning, or shooting.

This extension of lethal control rights against dingoes, classified as threatened under state laws, undermines years of conservation efforts. Dingoes play a critical ecological role in maintaining the balance of nature by controlling populations of other species, which helps to preserve biodiversity. While the government's claim that this is a response to livestock protection, the actual losses to dingoes are minuscule. 

Threatening the existence of dingoes is not just a conservation issue — it's a moral one. This ruling also disregards the deep cultural significance dingoes hold for the Traditional Owners, who have coexisted with these animals for millennia. It is a direct affront to their cultural heritage and ecological knowledge.

We must call on the Victorian government to show true leadership in wildlife conservation by revoking this unjust order. By doing so, they can start to work towards non-lethal solutions that protect livestock without needlessly decimating dingo populations.

Sign the petition to demand that the Victorian government stop the sanctioned killing of dingoes and instead invest in sustainable, ethical wildlife management practices that respect both the ecological and cultural importance of dingoes.

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