A Train Conductor Killed Twix the Cat. Demand Justice!

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Russian Railway Company RZhD, Legal Authorities

The tragic story of Twix, a ginger-and-white cat thrown off a train into the freezing cold of Kirov, Russia, has ignited a nationwide outcry and a plea for systemic change. This incident not only exposes the lack of safeguards for pets on public transport but also calls into question the readiness of staff to handle such situations compassionately and competently. We must ensure Twix's death was not in vain.

Sign the petition to demand the railway company update its animal transport policies and ensure all staff are trained in animal welfare to prevent further tragedies!

Twix's story is a somber reminder of what is at stake when pets are not afforded the protection they deserve on public transport. The poor cat, mistakenly identified as a stray and discarded in subzero temperatures, symbolizes a broader issue of insufficient policies and a lack of awareness among train personnel regarding animal care.

The train company must revamp its policies to address the safety and humane treatment of pets on board. Such training should cover the essentials of animal welfare, proper handling techniques, and protocols for dealing with pets, whether they are traveling in crates or found unaccompanied. It's time for RZhD to lead by example, ensuring that Twix's story catalyzes a transformation in how pets are treated on public transport, making their journeys safe and stress-free.

Sign the petition to demand a future where every pet's journey on these trains is met with care, dignity, and respect.


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