Demand the resignation of Donald Trump
My Fellow Americans,
Today I will no longer be keeping the secrets of the rich and powerful. All Americans need to know what I witnessed happened in this country. My name is Jayme and when I was 11 years old I was sex trafficked to Donald Trump. The location was Trump Tower in his suite and there were two other men who also raped me and 12 other girls. The year was 1991 and we were forced to work for the drug cartel because our parents worked for them. He raped 13 underaged girls in the same night one after the other. Over the years, I made several attempts to report the crime to the NYPD and they wouldn’t take a report. I recently filed a report with the FBI but there have been no follow up attempts on their part. I was sold to Donald Trump by my parents Cindy and James Paxton and Ray Eisdon (Ruidoso, NM), a registered sex offender, who works for the drug cartel and builds children’s amusement parks to attract new victims. My parents sold me to be raped on dozens of occasions and my father pays off the local police and sheriffs to look the other way while he participates in drug, sex, and human trafficking. My parents forced me to be a prostitute at the age of 3 years old and for years I was raped nightly by my father while my mother provided the blind folds to me and sister who was also sold to Donald Trump. I watched him rape her the same night as me. And while her voice has been beaten out of her, mine is going to sound for the both of us. Because she got pregnant too and watched my father take her first born son from her while she was unconsciously sedated and I couldn’t help her then but I will fight for both of us now.
While at the airports working for the cartel in 1991 I met two of the 9-11 hijackers. They told me about their plot to attack landmarks and I wrote a report and personally handed it to Hillary Clinton. After the 9-11 attacks. I was presented with the report. The Bush administration had it in their possession on September 15, 2001 and questioned me about authoring it. The Bush administration knew ahead of time about the terrorists plot and allowed the 9-11 terrorist attacks to take place so they could use it as a reason to start a war with Iraq under false pretenses of weapons of mass destruction.
After being raped by Donald Trump and several other men, I got pregnant and had a daughter. I knew I couldn’t raise a daughter as a 12 year old so I decided to ask someone to adopt her and let me be the nanny so I could still see her everyday. I wanted someone famous to adopt her so that I could see pictures of her in the tabloids if I wasn’t able to be her nanny. I noticed how celebrity kids were always being pictured in the magazines and knew that at least I would be able to get a glimpse of her every now and then. I asked Julia Roberta to adopt her but she wasn’t ready for kids. Then I asked Oxxy and Sharon Osbourne but they had their hands full. Next I asked Dolly Parton to adopt her. I wanted my daughter to be surrounded by music, fashion and the ray of sunshine that is Dolly. She said she’d be her godmother and suggested I ask Billy Ray Cyrus to adopt her. I asked him under the condition that I could name her and also be her babysitter. He agreed. Then he and Tish changed their minds at the last minute and changed her name and said I couldn’t be in her life. I didn’t have other parents lined up. While trying to find a lawyer to help me I met Bruce Jenner who introduced me to the Kardashians. Kim promised me she would help me get a lawyer if I helped her get a buttjob. I knew a woman in San Carlos, Mexico who had the surgery so I introduced Kim and she had the surgery the next day. I also met Paris Hilton. I had been raped at her father’s Hilton Harem in Carizozo, NM and asked her to have him close the harem. She was incredibly rude and said she would not get involved. After the surgery trip instead of helping me, Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner contacted an my aunt who had me sent back to my parents to be raped and beaten into a state of traumatized denial where I remained for decades until recovering my memory several years ago. Kim intentionally had me sent back to be traumatized into losing my memory so I couldn’t tell anyone about her surgery but she also prevented me from being able to warn anyone else about the terrorists plot against America or to be able to help the other victims of Donald Trump. My parents put me in an arranged marriage through trauma where I remained in a state of shock and denial for decades married to a man who raped me and kept me in a state of trauma, shock and denial through beatings or who arranged for my father to beat me back into submission. Anytime my memory returned, I was beaten senseless again. Kris Jenner and Kim Kardashian and Caitlyn Jenner need to be held accountable for their lies because people got hurt so that their secrets could be kept. They cared only about money and fame and it didn't matter to them who suffered for their gain.
A man who buys and sells children for sex with connections to the drug cartel cannot be the ruler of the free world. Wars were not fought for this defeat. Donald Trump needs to resign immediately. And the other victims, the children who were raped at his hands please find the courage to find your voices like I found mine.
I make this public demand that the NYPD investigate these crimes with intensity. Neil Patrick Harris was my neighbor and he is an eye witness who saw that I was a child pregnant with a child. The NYPD told me they couldn’t contact Neil Patrick Harris for his testimony because he has lawyers. They wouldn’t even try to investigate. I was also raped in San Diego on several occasions and witnessed my parents smuggling people through the ports yet the San Diego police would not investigate either. There is no statute of limitations on rape prosecutions in New York or in San Diego. I had every right to have the crimes against me investigated but the police refused to investigate.
We as a country deserve better than to be led by a child rapist. That should have ended with Columbus the rapist and look where we still are. This isn’t the right path forward. Our planet is literally on fire. We have to unite now to save it and we can’t be wasting any precious time with politicians who never have and never will have the best interests of the American people. The Republicans party must be held accountable for their actions on 9-11 as I finally scream my truth, they knew, they knew, they knew and they let it happen anyway. My report still exists and is evidence that they knew. And they let it happen.
And to Miley, my adoration for you will never fade. My heart belongs to my children eternally.
Jayme Lee