Justice for Dusty!

On or about November 4, 2009 in Owingsville, KY, a beautiful two year old Golden Retriever named "Dusty" was found hanging from a backhoe in a macabre display of brutality, visible to any who were unfortunate witnesses passing on a nearby road.  The owner of the dog, Wesley Barrett, claims that his unnamed neighbor shot and killed the dog, upon finding the dog dead he hung the dog as a message to his neighbor.  A shocked witness of the hanging dog took photos and called animal control.  Police were notified and sent to the Barrett residence, however, Mr. Barrett failed to name the neighbor that allegedly shot the dog, he failed to press charges and the police did not investigate this gruesome murder. 

According to many reports, an investigation into this murder has been requested, however, to date, the concern for Dusty's murder seems to have disappeared as quickly as his body.  We call for an investigation into this senseless murder.  We ask what pet owner would hang his dead dog and refuse to press charges against whoever allegedly murdered his dog? 

We ask the officials of Kentucky to take a stand, do not let Dusty's murder go unpunished, this was blatant animal abuse and nothing less. Dusty was only 2 years old, I cannot imagine the pain this dog suffered prior to his death. 

We remind the officials in Kentucky that as the new year comes so do the elections and we remind the citizens of Kentucky to remember Dusty, remember if your elected officials cannot protect and enforce safety of the animals of Kentucky, how can they protect and enforce the safety of it's people? 

People have responded with disgust at the hanging of this dog from not just around the United States but from around the World.  Kentucky, your failure to follow up on this atrocity has embarrassed your state, I urge you do the right thing and look into this matter, who really killed Dusty?


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