My cop neighbor shot and killed my dog. Help bring justice for my precious Goose

  • par: Chelsea Pavish
  • destinataire: Jacksonville, FL Sheriff, John Rutherford, and Sheriff-elect, Mike Williams

My dog Goose was a rescue basset hound mix who was shot and killed by my neighbor, who is a sergeant with the Jacksonville Sheriff's office. My neighbor took down a large part of his fence over a month ago but never fixed it, and instead left us to make sure that our dogs never got out of the yard.

Unfortunately, Goose got through the hole in the fence, and our neighbor shot him, claiming that Goose was being aggressive. I can't believe it, as Goose was a goofy, lazy, kind dog. I don't know why he felt the need to shoot my dog, rather than call us or knock on our door!

The situation was handled poorly and the officers that came to the call offered us no help, but instead, laughed and joked with my neighbor. We feel betrayed and feel as though this man needs to be held accountable. Help us get Justice for Goose, and make sure the Sheriff's office actually investigates the case, and doesn't just sweep the incident under the rug!

It's outrageous that one of your sergeants would kill his neighbor's dog instead of seeking a peaceful solution by engaging the dog's owner. Please investigate this incident completely, and hold Sergeant Bradley Shiver to the standards of engagement and conflict resolution that you want your office to model to the Jacksonville community.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
I just wanted to thank you all for your continued support through this hard time. Each signature helps and please understabd I would thank you all personally if I could. At this time I am at a stand still trying to get a couple of attorneys to let me know what our best option would be as far as legal matters go. Every day is hard in its own way and I am seeing many of these cases around the U.S. And my heart breaks for us all. Please keep spreading the word and I will keep you all updated. ❤️

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