Save our Native Wild Horses and Stop the Roundups!

America's wild horses are indigenous. Please help them!

During and after helicopter roundups conducted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), many native wild horses are injured. Foals are often killed and many mares miscarry their babies.

Currently, the BLM has in holding facilities 45,000 native wild horses that they have rounded up. Due to overcrowding, those horses are now at-risk of being killed or going to slaughter. They should be returned to live on public land. Less than 25,000 indigenous wild horses are estimated to be living in freedom now.

Taxpayer money is being used to pay for these cruel wild horse roundups in the West.  The BLM says that the roundups are to reduce overpopulation, but Big Oil wants to drill for oil and frack natural gas on the public lands where the horses roam. And they are using huge amounts of water to do so. A lot of the natural gas will be sold to Asia to make electricity. This is not how we want our tax dollars spent.

The National Academy of Sciences reported there is "no evidence" of wild horse overpopulation in the United States. has called for population studies with a moratorium on roundups, yet the BLM and Congress is turning a deaf ear. Is the Oil and Gas Lobby influencing our democracy?

These cruel roundups need to stop. The U.S. needs to classify America's wild horses, E. caballus, as a native species. The horses originated in America and were either returned to their native land or never left. More information can be found here:

Indigenous horses fill their ecological niche on public land and create balance. They help to reverse desertification, reduce risk of wildfires and create biodiversity for many species to thrive. Please help protect our native wild horses before the herds are destroyed. 

Sign this petition to demand that Congress cuts the funding for BLM wild horse roundups.

Thank you.

America's wild horses are indigenous. Please help them!

During and after helicopter roundups conducted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), many native wild horses are injured. Foals are often killed and many mares miscarry their babies. 

Currently, the BLM has in holding facilities 45,000 native wild horses that they have rounded up. Due to overcrowding, those horses are now at-risk of being killed or going to slaughter. They should be returned to live on public land. Less than 25,000 indigenous wild horses are estimated to be living in freedom now. 

Taxpayer money is being used to pay for these cruel wild horse roundups in the West.  The BLM says that the roundups are to reduce overpopulation, but Big Oil wants to drill for oil and frack natural gas on the public lands where the horses roam. And they are using huge amounts of water to do so. A lot of the natural gas will be sold to Asia to make electricity. This is not how we want our tax dollars spent.

The National Academy of Sciences reported there is "no evidence" of wild horse overpopulation in the United States. has called for population studies with a moratorium on roundups, yet the BLM is turning a deaf ear. Is the Oil and Gas Lobby influencing our government agencies?

These cruel roundups need to stop. The U.S. needs to classify America's wild horses, E. caballus, as a native species. The horses originated in America and were either returned to their native land or never left. More information can be found here:

Indigenous horses fill their ecological niche on public land and create balance. They help to reverse desertification, reduce risk of wildfires and create biodiversity for many species to thrive. Please help protect our native wild horses before the herds are destroyed.  

Please cut the funding for BLM wild horse roundups.

Thank you.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
Fear-mongering lobbyists pushing for slaughter, Pesticide PZP for "humane fertility control" and killing wild horses have elected officials fooled to think there is an overpopulation of wild horses. The truth is wild horses and burros are severely underpopulated in the West. PLEASE get this petition out everywhere so you can help double the numbers before elected officials vote to wipe out the American #mustang or turn them over to the states who will sell them off by the truckload. Thank you!

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