Stop bestiality in European countries! In Hungary, Romania and Finland sex with animals is still legal!

  • par: Aleksandra M
  • destinataire: Governments of Hungary, Romania and Finland
Did you know that just around the corner, at your European neighbor country — or maybe even in your own coutry — sex with animals is still legal?

Hungary, Romania and Finland still don't forbid it, meaning some sexual perverts are still alowed to have sex with their pets without any consequences. Many animals are hurt during the sexual act, but that doesn't stop these people. In Finland reports are showing that 17% of animals brought to the vet were sexually abused by humans. Romania and Hungary are very famous because of popular animal brothels.

There are actually existing "erotic zoos" where sex tourists can lend out an animal, and do with it what they want to do. Some of them really belive that animals can have pleasure or enjoy having forced sex with another (sometimes much bigger) species.

This poor innocent creatures are caught in the chains not able to do anything. Sheeps' teeth are removed and in their mouth they have a metal blockade so they can not close them during a blowjob. Cats are used only one time...

There are many coutries in which the law forbids these things and protects animals, since they are not able to say no and express that they do not like that! In India there is a death penalty, in Poland prison and 10 years ban to own any animal. We don't have to look at this madness from a side, let's do something, let's stop bestiality in Europe!

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