Demand the police to find and pursue this man in court

"Sounds of a yelping baby goat Thursday tipped neighbors to report a suspected animal abuse case in Sacramento.

Animal control spokesperson Gina Knepp says neighbors of a residence on Tearpak Court in south Sacramento dialed 911 and reported a baby goat tied to a wheel barrel and a man with a knife.

When animal control arrived, no one was home, but they spotted the goat tied up in the yard. The incident occurred after a recent rash of animal beheadings in the Sacramento region.

A man who identified himself as a resident of the home had no comment to FOX40 Thursday.

Keeping backyard goats and even slaughtering them, on private property, for food, is legal in the state of California. However, it is against city code in Sacramento. In fact, criminal citations may be issued for animal cruelty or neglect." from Fox 40

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