Save Cubs from Cruel Barbaric Hunts

Every year, after the birth of new litters of fox cubs, some extremist hunters start planning their illegal season of 'cub hunting'.

Cub Hunting        SLAUGHTER AT DAWN

Cub hunting is a secret but integral part of hunting practice. The hunts will begin next month and will last up until the start of the main fox hunting season in October. This activity is largely unknown to the public, taking place in the early hours of the morning and being hidden from sight in dense woodland.

Huntsmen and hounds surround a small area of woodland - or 'covert' - where foxes are known to live and maintain a steady supply of noise designed to deter foxes from escaping. Any cubs that attempt to flee are driven back to be savaged; any cubs remaining in their earths may be dug out and then thrown to the hounds.

In order to stop this inexcusable suffering, we need to secure dedicated funds now to plan our investigation work. Will you help us by making a donation today?

Recent donations have enabled us to hire a new team of highly skilled investigations officers. They will shortly begin to tackle their first hunting season with the League, when they will operate covert investigations into cub hunting. The team need to be able to gather evidence of this horrific, illegal activity so those involved can be prosecuted and publicly shamed. 

With the Hunting Act under threat, it is highly important at this time to expose the cruelty and illegality of cub hunting; an activity which would be re-legalised if the Act was overturned.


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