Stop fur now!

Fur is incredibly wrong. Here's why:

1) Animals are bred for their fur, the rest of their bodies mostly get discarded, so they’re not even used for its fullest potential.

2) Faux fur look almost exactly like real fur, and people don’t have to think about having something dead hanging around their neck.

3) Cats and Dogs are beaten to a pulp. And many of these are pets which have been abducted from owners in certain countries.

4) Rabbits are hung by their legs, twitching, bleeding, screaming, while they are electrocuted, knifed, and their fur stripped from their bodies while they are still alive. Bunnies!!!

5) In the wild, minks and foxes chew their own arms and legs off to free themselves from traps. How horrific is that?

Sign this petition to end this revolting, vile practise. 


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