Slum Landlords and City Hall Negligence of Tenant's Rights.
It would appear that the housing rights of tenants is a major inconvenience to property owners and some property management officials. How dare a tenant expect a clean safe housing. Most especially if it is subsidized by federal taxpayer dollars.
How dare We the people expect City Hall act like the protector it is supposed to be with regard to investigating any housing inspector, Commissioner or any other related housing employee who with deliberate disregard allows slum housing to exist in one's community?
Housing properties appear to be a free lottery ticket to financial paydays for some of these property owners and property management sources.
Hard wired smoke alarms, carbon monoxide monitors, repairs, lighting, windows and door ways broken and in serious long termed disrepair. Not to mention bed bugs, roach infestations and rodents are a far too common occurrence with no remedy in sight.
A slum existence is a contradiction in and of itself. We have housing codes violated every single measure of time in a week, month, year, decade, century.
Buildings literally falling apart, yet somehow an owner or operator of said housing property continue to achieve a code of compliance certificate and the beat just continues seemingly sanctioned by the very protective measures in place to demand compliance.
It appears to be a business of sorts. How many tenants can they exploit and get away with. Most especially newcomers to our country and communities.
Federal dollars funding housing agencies that do not appear to advise or protect a potential tenant from the negligent acts of a property owner.
It would also appear that inexperience and undisclosed information to some tenants is an allowed practice. Talk about "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
What help or hope does any tenant American or not have against what appears to be a machination of monumental proportion being imposed on tenant's who are abused and in fear of being evicted, so they bite the bullet for fear of rocking the boat as it were and paying dearly for protestations against their slum minded landlord or management agency.
The victimization of a tenant's rights appear to be prime priority for some property owners and management agencies.
There has to be a manner or way to bring these long neglected concerns to the fore front and demand and receive proper juris prudence regarding the criminally related violations of human beings, tenants who are exposed to the rankest kind of violations, which include tenant's rights. children's rights, disability rights, human rights and constitutional rights.
Slavery is not suppose to exist in this country and yet it does in its many disguises. One of them being the housing violations and rights of its tenant's.
I live in Manchester, NH and have been advocating against these concerns for almost twenty years and have seen no improvement whatsoever.
Many voices ethically and legally presented must come together to make positive, ethical corrective changes to these obscenities known as slum housing and the seemingly sanctioned practices allowed by building inspectors, some alderman and even the Mayor of one's city.
Please help by signing my petition or make one up of your own in the city, town or village you reside in if very much the same hell exists in your part of our so called Free? country.
Thank you, Ginger Ferrer
American born citizen and advocate.