Who Was James Jay Lee? Some say he was a simpleton, child-like in many ways, or mentally unbalanced, whatever he was, James Jay Lee was a long time earth-animal advocate deeply committed and concerned about some of the worlds most pressing problems such as human over-population and global warming. It was his fear that we are on an un-sustainable path and if these problems are not seriously addressed, that the outcome would be the ruination of the earth and every living creature in it. He was on a campaign to raise awareness and particularly targeted The Discovery Channel as being remiss in their failure to give the issues more coverage. Although he had "The Discovery Channel" marked as his fav tv show on his FB page, Lee he had a long history of private and public protests against them and their affiliate channels TLC, Animal Planet, Science Channel and Planet Greenworks." He thought the stations, as public champions of the earth and animals, simply werent doing enough to expose the realities of the situation which he regarded as in crisis concerning human overpopulation and climate change.
On __________Sept. ______, 2010, Jame Jay Lee, who wanted only to make a better world, "lost it" and went over the edge. In broad daylight, he walked into the Discovery Building Headquarters in Silver Spring MD allegedly armed to the teeth and "wrapped in bombs,"..... and created a hostage situation,....In essence, his demands were simple. He wanted more air time for his issues. He wanted the stations to focus on them more, so the public could become more aware. He wanted to "wake us up."
Lees Manifesto: http://earth-folk.blogspot.com/2010/09/james-jay-lees-manifesto.html
The Hostage Situation;
Who was he and what do we know about him?
Lee was Right about Overpopulation;
Human Overpopulation: World Population Awareness; http://www.overpopulation.org/
The UNs Role in Population Control;
US/UN Role; http://publikeye.blogspot.com/2010/05/un-us-behind-international-push-for.html
Worlds Elite Meet to Discuss Overpopulation; http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2009/may/09052511.html
Humans as Cancer on the Earth; http://www.churchofeuthanasia.org/e-sermons/humcan.html
The Story of "Stuff" - about our consumption. Explains through the use of simple graphics and articulate language, why we are on an un-sustainable course; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLBE5QAYXp8
Lee was Right About Climate Change and the environment;
Global Warming & Climate Change: Worse Than We Thought; http://www.eenvandaag.nl/swf/player.swf?videoID=95012&external=0
Mass Extinction Threat: Earth on Verge of Huge Reset Button?
Past the Point of No Return? - http://www.theecologist.org/Interviews/485059/clive_hamilton_solving_climate_change_is_out_of_the_question.html
The question is not "Why did he care so much," the question is, why does the media care so little?"
Action v. Apathy; http://www.wingsfortheheart.com/action-vs-apathy.htm
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