REVISED: A Call for Alliance Among Impeachment Advocates

Note: This petition has been revised, sections in bold are added sections regarding Rep. Dana Rohrabacher's charge of an "on-going cover-up" by the Bush administration of strong connections between the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11, the release of notorious bin Laden associate Ali Mohamed, and the release of Melvin Lattimore (Majahid Abdulquaadir Menepta).  Original petition here (19 signatures.)

A Call for Alliance Among Impeachment Advocates Immigration Reform, Constitution, War on Al Qaeda

Boston, Massachusetts, Saturday, March 15, 2008

By Ralph Lopez

There comes a time in the struggle for freedom when Americans must unite.  At times we unite with those whose priorities may not be ours, and those whom with we disagree on many things.  I launch this call because I will do anything to save my Constitution.  My call is to my countrymen in the Immigration Reform Movement, who believe that George Bush must be impeached for aiding and abetting a level of illegal immigration unseen at any time in our history, 13 million to 20 million illegal aliens present and an influx of a million more per year, which, differently from previous generations, now robs American workers of jobs that Americans will do, and results in unfair competition to businesses which play by the rules.  In the long term this is beyond the assimilative powers of even our nation, and thus awakens the threat that Balkanization poses to national security.

The interest of a nation in a common culture and language is clear, even if that culture is an amalgam of many other cultures, something to be celebrated and treasured as uniquely American.  Except for our citizens of Native American ancestry, we all came from someplace else.

I reject walls, which desecrate the startling beauty of the American Southwest, mass round-ups, and the militarization of the problem which the scoundrels in our government offer as placebos without ever touching the real cause.  I am against placing the blame and punishment on poor, hardworking people who are only doing what any one of us would do in the same conditions.  The problem of illegal immigration can be solved humanely in one stroke, by the identification and jailing of employers who turn a blind eye to worker status.  Blaming illegal workers is like blaming minnows for swarming for food.  It is asinine and immoral.  Prosecute employers, and the problem evaporates with no further ado.  Stop sprinkling the meal upon the pond, and the swarm ceases.

Whether in meat-packing plants, slaughterhouses, farms, ranches, or kitchens, the corporate benefactors of the politicians continue to enrich themselves as the charade of deportations goes on, resulting in hapless pawnship of some of the world's least fortunate, cruelly tempted here by corporate greed.

I reject the vitriol of the small number in the Immigration Reform Movement who, in addressing a legitimate problem, lapse into near or outright racism and bigotry, invoking images of whiteness and cultural purity which offend me.  The blood of an American is all the same color on the battlefield, whatever his or her origin.  But while it may not affect those in some professional classes in our society, the economics of illegal immigration have changed.  Employers hire large numbers of illegal aliens knowingly to avoid paying a decent wage.

The Impeachment of Dick Cheney Then George Bush Movement is at a crossroads.  Through citizen action alone the Movement has accomplished what none of the Democratic Party scoundrels would accomplish, save for the courageous few like Dennis Kucinich and Robert Wexler.  The U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee at this time is deliberating House Resolution 333, to begin impeachment hearings on Vice President Dick Cheney immediately.  Numerous towns, cities and states have passed impeachment resolutions directing their congressional representatives to support impeachment, and some towns, like Kennebunkport, Maine, are mulling resolutions which explore the legal possibilities of ordering the arrest of George W. Bush, for war crimes and crimes against the Constitution, the minute he sets foot into town.

As well, a remarkable agreement is emerging between the left and many on the right that Iraq represents nothing more than imperial expansion, openly planned and discussed by thinkers on the Council on Foreign Relations and the Project for a New American Century.  The columnist Pat Buchanan has said that with the invasion of Iraq "we played right into bin Laden's hand." The cabalists in our government do not even bother to hide this, the documents are there for all to see.  This is the height of monarchical arrogance.  

As Achilles said in the war against Troy, "it seems we must unite."  Perhaps as a result of location and career, illegal immigration is not something that has worried me, but I must believe those of my brethren who tell me that the effect of the current level on their economic prospects is real.  And even my progressive sensibilities question the wisdom of granting social security benefits to illegal workers, when I am not even sure there will be any left for me, an American, upon my own rapidly approaching decrepitude.

As it is completely clear that the strong correction of nation's course which is necessary will not take place under the administration of George W. Bush, whether it regards immigration, upholding of the Constitution, or the War Against Al Qaeda, I issue the following call to my countrymen:

Be it resolved that we, the New Patriot Alliance, are committed to the enforcement of the laws already in place to punish the employers of illegal immigrants, not with fines considered a cost of doing business but with jail time.  We are committed to restoring the rule of law and the Constitution. We will work together to deliver to this government the jolt which will correct our course, and achieve our immediate aims, here described.  With our combined energies this can be achieved.  

We Americans are a fractious tribe, famous for squabbling and inner division, and yet when our most basic interests are at stake, we area also famous for a genius for self-governance, and ejecting tyrants, who may be more concerned with corporate profits and unconstitutional powers than with the good of the nation.  Coalition-building is an old and respectable American habit.  We call upon the U.S. Congress to act on the following articles of impeachment against George Bush, or be considered part and parcel of the Monarchical Powers Treason Train.  But first we call for the impeachment of Dick Cheney according to the articles of HR 333, to be followed by the impeachment of George W. Bush.

 A high crime is defined as one which seeks the overthrow of the country, which gives aid or comfort to its enemies, or which injures the country to the profit of an individual or group.  The Founding Father George Mason insisted on adding "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" to the impeachable offenses of "treason or bribery," in order to guard against presidents who displayed dictatorial tendencies.  By putting corporate profits before national security, and putting an appetite for power before his oath to "uphold, protect, and defend the United States Constitution," George Bush abundantly deserves this label.  Therefore we of the New Patriot Alliance charge:


-That George Bush has attempted to overturn the Bill of Rights Fourth and Sixth Amendments, freedom from unreasonable search, and the inalienable right to a jury trial, by claiming wartime powers in a "war with no end," a blatant and transparent ruse to claim permanent, unconstitutional powers for the Executive Branch.  We agree with Bruce Fein that "The constitutional grievances against the White House are chilling, reminiscent of the kingly abuses that provoked the Declaration of Independence."

-That George W. Bush has invited separatism, Balkanization, and has failed to uphold the prerogatives of American workers, clearly stated in U.S. law, by aiding levels of illegal immigration which cannot be sustained, for the benefit of corporate profits.  That George Bush has shown what Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) calls "a pattern of arrogance and contempt" in making the agreement with Mexico granting social security benefits for illegal aliens.  Rohrabacher says the administration "misled" Congress on the agreement and practiced "stonewalling and concealment" in the granting of social security benefits.

-That George Bush has engaged in what Rep. Rohrabacher has called an "ongoing cover-up" with respect to strong connections between the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11, such as phone calls two months before the Oklahoma City bombing by Ramsey Yousef, nephew of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, to the New York apartment occupied by Terry Nichols' Phillipina wife's cousin; such as the well-established presence of Nichols and Yousef in Cebu City, the Phillipines, concurrently; and the long string of "coincidences" that Rohrabacher  says would it not take a "conspiracy nut" to want to investigate.  The administration has "intentionally obstructed Congress' rightful and constitutional duties."

-That  the Bush administration Justice Department secured the early release of notorious bin Laden associate Ali Mohamed in July 2005, who is now walking the streets.  Mohamed has strong and well-know links to the Oklahoma City bombing, to the first World Trade Center attack in 1993, to the assasination of Anwar Sadat, to the assasination of Meier Kahane, and to 9/11.  That the Bush Justice Department has also allowed the release of Melvin Lattimore, described Federal ATF Agent Jeffrey Whitney as a top suspect in the Oklahoma City bombing, who has ties to 9/11 attacker Zacarias Moussaoui.

 -That George Bush has bungled the war on terror.  We agree with Patrick Buchanan and Ron Paul that Al Qaeda and bin Laden were delighted that the U.S invaded Iraq.

We hail from all parts of the political spectrum, and disagree heartily on many issues.  We agree that although we hold many views on why Dick Cheney and George Bush must be impeached, impeached they must be.  This will be followed by a caretaker presidency led by a Republican, for the interim, who must be confirmed by a majority vote of the U.S. Senate.  

We wish the Mexican and the Central American people well in winning their own freedom and economic  justice in their countries. God bless our nation, God bless our Constitution, and God Bless the Great Experiment begun  230 years ago, this form of government by, of and for the people..

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Phone numbers for the House Judiciary Committee, Urge "YES" for HR 333, impeachment hearings on Dick Cheney

Conyers, Jr. John D Michigan 14th Chair, Judiciary 202-225-5126   202-
Smith Lamar R Texas 21st Ranking Member, Judiciary 202-225-4236   202-
Davis Artur D Alabama   7th Judiciary 202-225-2665   202-226-9567
Franks Trent R Arizona 2nd Judiciary 202-225-4576   202-225-6328
Lofgren Zoe D California 16th Judiciary 202-225-3072 202-225-3336
Gallegly Elton R California 24th Judiciary 202-225-3065   202-225-1100
Sherman Brad D California 27th Judiciary 202-225-5911   202-225-5879
Berman Howard D California 28th Judiciary 202-225-4695 202-225-3196
Schiff Adam D California 29th Judiciary 202-225-4176   202-225-5828
Waters Maxine D California 35th Judiciary 202-225-2201 202-225-7854
Snchez Linda D California 39th Judiciary 202-225-6676   202-226-1012
Lungren Daniel R California 3rd Judiciary 202-225-5716 202-226-1298
Issa Darrell R California 49th Judiciary 202-225-3906 202-225-3303
Wexler Robert D Florida 19th Judiciary 202-225-3001   202-225-5974
Feeney Tom R Florida 24th Judiciary 202-225-2706   202.226.6299
Keller Ric R Florida 8th Judiciary 202-225-2176   202-225-0999
Wasserman Schultz Debbie D Florida, 20th 20th Judiciary 202-225-7931  
Johnson Hank D Georgia 4th Judiciary 202-225-1605   202-226-0691
Gutierrez Luis D Illinois 4th Judiciary 202-225-8203 202-225-7810
Pence Mike R Indiana 6th Judiciary 202-225-3021   202-225-3382
King Steve R Iowa 5th Judiciary 202-225-4426   202.225.3193
Delahunt William D Massachusetts 10th Judiciary 202-225-3111   202-225-
Ellison Keith D Minnesota 5th Judiciary 202-225-4755   202-225-4886
Nadler Jerrold D New York 8th Judiciary 202-225-5635 202-225-6923
Weiner Anthony D New York 9th Judiciary 202-225-6616   202-226-7253
Watt Melvin D North Carolina 12th Judiciary 202-225-1510 202-225-1512
Coble Howard R North Carolina 6th Judiciary 202-225-3065   202-225-8611
Sutton Betty D Ohio 13th Judiciary 202-225-3401 202-225-2266
Chabot Steve R Ohio 1st Judiciary 22-225-2216   202-225-3012
Jordan Jim R Ohio 4th Judiciary 202-225-2676   202-226-0577
Cohen Steve D Tennessee 9th Judiciary 202-225-3265   202-225-5663
Jackson Lee Sheila D Texas 18th Judiciary 202-225-3816 202-225-3317
Gohmert Louie R Texas 1st Judiciary 202-225-3035 202-226-1230
Cannon Chris R Utah 3rd Judiciary 202-225-7751   202-225-5629
Scott Robert D Virginia 3rd Judiciary 202-225-8351 202-225-8354
Forbes J. Randy R Virginia 4th Judiciary 202-225-6365   202-226-1170
Goodlatte Bob R Virginia 6th Judiciary 202-225-5431   202-225-9681
Boucher Rick   D Virginia 9th Judiciary 202-225-3861 202-225-0442
Baldwin Tammy D Wisconsin 2nd Judiciary 202-225-2906   202-225-6942
Sensenbrenner Jr. James R Wisconsin 5th Judiciary 202-225-5101   202-

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