Claim revenge for the poor burnt Aura!

  • par: Italian Activists
  • destinataire: Mayor of Trepuzzi's town (Italy); Trepuzzi's Road Police Secretary-General
Aura was a six-months old little dog. She has been burnt alive in Trepuzzi, an italian little town, by a group of bored boys... just to have fun! After many sufferings and an horrible agony, Audra has died. All the Italian animalists have been shocked by this dreadful report and they are asking both to the mayor and to the secretary-general of Road police station to hardly punish the liables. Fearing that this cruel action could be mistaken for a simple stunt, italians are really afraid that authorities may forget what this action really is: a crime. Please, tell immediately Trepuzzi's mayor and Trepuzzi Road Police Secretary-General that this crime must be punished by imprisonment.

Dear Sir,

by this letter we all first would like to thank you for the attention you are giving to our cause and we beg you to take just few minutes to hear some requests. With our names signed, we all together would like to join Italian animalists shocked by what happened to Aura, the 6-months-old dog burnt alive in your town.  

The 20th-July-2004 italian law n%uFFFD 189 specifically concerning animal abuse and neglect, finally established hard penalties for all those who act illegal, violent and damaging behaviors towards our four-legged friends.

Italian  legislation has turned animal abuse from general crime into an independent one; that means it requires a specific punishment for those who commit it. As a matter of facts, animal neglect must be punished by arrest and prison up to one year and an EUR 10,000 contravention. Besides, abuse (especially  tortures, injuries, unbearable work and any other cruelty form) must be punished by arrest from 3 to 18 months in prison  and this penalty must be redoubled whether that crimes leads to animal%u2019s death.

What happened in your town must be related to this second case! Even the maximum punishment will be  never enough for our hearts wounded, but you, please, be sensible to our requests and give us a contribution to heal our hope for a better country and a better world.  Don%u2019t consider this barbarian act as a simple stunt. It%u2019s much more than a stunt. As it caused sufferings to another creature, it MUST be considered as a crime! Please, don%u2019t leave our requests unheard and give the liables of this criminal abuse the righteous, hardest and perfectly legal punishment.


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