Release KATE RAUE: Improperly detained at Rangipapa

Katherine Raue aka Kate is a blogwriter and the owner of the website Transparency in New Zealand (TiNZ), a website dedicated to telling the true stories of corruption in New Zealand.

For more than 1 month now she has been 'improperly detained'in the mental health facility called 'Rangipapa' in Porirua, NZ. Kate has been denied both basic civil and human rights during and throughout her 'detainment'. When she was 'detained', she had never been medically diagnosed or assessed as having a mental disorder.

Today, based on reports of "direct observations or info from other sources incl. family" (dubiously garnered) Kate is being treated as if she HAS a mental disorder and is currently under Doctor's instructions to be forcibly medicated.

She is forcibly medicated with two different pills (Risperidone and Aripiprazole - their use TOGETHER is outside the terms of the manufacturer's instructions - incapacitation?) for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

What YOU can DO:

1. Please SIGN the petition
2. Fax or write to these District Inspectors for Mental Health seeking a Judicial Enquiry into the 'improper detainment of Katherine Raue at Rangipapa and/or to register your protest :

Nigel Fairley
Director of Area Mental Health Services for Capital & Coast DHB
Private Bag 7902
Wellington, New Zealand

John Edwards                                                                    
District Inspector for Mental Health                        
P.O.Box 11 290
Manners Street, Wellington, New Zealand
Level 4, 60  Ghuznee St, Wellington
Tel:(04) 802 4164 Fax:    (04) 802 4169


Annette Gray                                                       
District Inspector for Mental Health                    
P.O.Box 24057
Level 5 , 82 Willis St
Wellington, New Zealand
Tel:(04) 472 8269 Fax: (04) 472 8270

Amanda Courtney                                               
District Inspector for Mental Health                            
Barrister & Solicitor
P.O.Box 5415
Wellington, New Zealand
Tel:(04) 385 3881 Fax: (04) 385 3882

Kathryn Crooks                                                     
District Inspector for Mental Health                             
Armstrong Barton                                                    
P.O. Box 441
Wanganui 4540
New Zealand
Tel:(06) 349 1599 Fax: (06) 345-5399

Richard Stone            
District Inspector for Mental Health            
Souness Stone Law Partnership
PO Box 975
New Zealand
Tel:(06) 878 7761 Fax: (06) 878 6599
We the Undersigned,

Call for a Judicial Inquiry into the 'improper detainment' of Katherine Raue, commonly known as Kate Raue in 'Rangipapa' at Kenepuru Hospital, Porirua. We have serious concerns relating to the denial of Kate's basic civil and human rights together with instructions to 'forcibly medicate' her using Risperidone and Aripiprazole contrary to manufacturer instructions i.e together and at the same time.

As the Director of Area Mental Health Services for Capital & Coast DHB and designated District Inspectors for Mental Health for the Wellington region we regard the expediting of Katherine's 'improper detainment' as a matter for your urgent concern. We thank you for reading this letter and wait to see your prompt actions to our call for both a Judicial Inquiry and for Kate's release.

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