Pledge to vote against Obama in the General Election

  • par: me
  • destinataire: Whoever will listen -Mr Dean, Ms. Pelosi, any Democrat in Power
We the undersigned will vote for any opponent of Barack Hussien Obama or not vote at all.  We believe he is the wrong leader for our country.  We do not believe that the future of our nation should be decided by a popularity contest.  Remember, each signature is a vote the Democratic Party could have had in November
more information for sources can be found on

A Word to those who are "signing" this petition to enter rude or false comments: I can delete your name BUT THE SIGNATURE COUNT REMAINS THE SAME.  All you are doing is promoting my cause in the end.  Think twice before you decide to be "cute" and "funny".

Prometa para votar contra Obama en la elecci�n general

Nosotros el voto infrascrito de la voluntad para cualquier opositor de Barack Hussien Obama o no voto en todos. Creemos que �l es el l�der incorrecto para nuestro pa�s. No creemos que el futuro fuera de la naci�n se debe decidir por una competencia del renombre
Mr Dean?  MS Pelosi?   Are you so sure that your chosen one will win the general election.  During Primary season you may consider us unimportant but when you translate these signatures into votes in November.... they will add up.   This is how many votes your chosen one will not recieve.

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