Inadequate Zoological Park, Parque de las Ciencias, Bayamon, Puerto Rico

  • par: Julia Feliz
  • destinataire: Ramon Luis Rivera, Alcalde de Bayamon, Parque de las Ciencias, Bayamon, Puerto Rico
THREE YEARS LATER and the animals are STILL living in filth:

Problems at zoo to be fixed? No. The article did not address a single way that anything will be fixed for the animal's sake. It's time for the Mayor of Bayamon to CLOSE DOWN the zoo and SEND the animals to sanctuaries! Please sign in support for these animals!

 A video documenting the lives of animals in el Parque de las Ciencias in Bayamon, Puerto Rico... See it with your own eyes (click play on the icon to the left)!!!!

Vea a estos animales y las condiciones en las que son forzados a vivir aqui:

Click here to watch the video/Haz click para ver el video:

Primates, Jaguar, raccoons, deer, hippopotamus, and other animals are being kept in primordial cement slabs within a park otherwise known as the Science Park (el Parque de las Ciencias). Many of the animals were placed within a section of this park in the 80s. Other animals have arrived at the park throughout the years due to their confiscation by the Department of Natural Resources (Dept. de Recursos Naturales). 

Los Animales en el Parque de las Ciencias son forzados a vivir en condiciones de puro cemento y sumamente minimas. Hoy en dia se reconoce que los animales tienen necesidades como todo humano. Es hora de cuidar a los animales en Puerto Rico.

Pictures of the zoo taken March 30th, 2007, February 24, 2008, and September 2008.
Fotos del zoologico fueron tomadas el 30 de Marzo de 2007, el 24 de Febrero del 2008 y el 11 de Septiembre de 2008.

I have increased the signature goal for this petition now that the Mayor of Bayamon has stated that, although he does not have any real plans for these animals, there is a possibility to move them to spaces around the city or use them within a fun park that has not even been planned yet. He said that this would possibly happen in 2 years. This interview was reported by the newspaper  "Primera Hora"

Although I am appreciative of a response, the mayor still does not understand the basic requirements that animals such as a Jaguar, alligator, and pretty much any other animal that they keep needs biologically, ecologically, and  just out of common sense.
Bayamon is a city made up almost entirely by cement, roads, highways, and buildings. There is no acceptable place to keep these animals around the city. Two years for any action to be taken is unacceptable when these animals need help Now! The mayors plans have not even made it onto paper and are just quick responses to appease the masses.

Why should the animals have to keep living in filth and in horrible conditions with barely any space to move WHILE the mayor allows a new HOLIDAY INN (see picture to the left of this petition) to build over 100 rooms, a CASINO, RESTAURANTS, a GYM, Pool, and a CONVENTION ROOMS in the SAME PARK where these animals are kept. He says it will bring TOURISM to the park and the city of stated by newspapers in PR. If they have room to build all this, why do they not have room to build modern and spacious enclosures for these animals?
The following links and quotes state that this Hotel is a reality....

As quoted on wikipedia, " Bayam%uFFFDn Holiday Inn Hotel & Tropical Casino at Science Park - Pr%uFFFDximamente se estar%uFFFD comenzando la construcci%uFFFDn en los predios del Parque de las Ciencias, seria el primer hotel con casino en Bayam%uFFFDn y segundo hotel del mismo.Consta con 118 habitaciones, un casino de 10,000 pies cuadrados, tres salones de actividades, un sal%uFFFDn de negocios, gimnasio, dos restaurantes y piscina." 

Summary article from El Nuevo Dia on the same hotel:
"Bayam%uFFFDn se apunta un Holiday Inn"
"Nueva hospeder%uFFFDa forma parte del redise%uFFFDo del Parque de las Ciencias Bayam%uFFFDn Holiday Inn Hotel & Tropical Casino at Science Park es el nombre del segundo hotel que se construir%uFFFD en los pr%uFFFDximos a%uFFFDos en la Ciudad del Chicharr%uFFFDn, a un costo de $23.8 millones. Ayer el municipio y la cadena hotelera Holiday Inn firmaron un acuerdo para desarrollar este hotel de 118 habitaciones en los predios del Parque de las Ciencias, el cual cuenta con 43 cuerdas de terreno. La firma del acuerdo se..."
mar, 14 de noviembre de 2006 

Will these animals have to face the same conditions for the rest of their lives? It is up to YOU to help and have your voice heard on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves...


I know that these photos and the conditions in which these animals are in are horrible, but I ask that if you leave a comment, Please do not write any threats or use vulgar language.

Also, if you don't want to write your real name, consider writing your initials or set to sign under anonymous.

Vulgar language, fake names, and threats hinder our work to help these animals.

Thank you!

To See More Pictures of the Zoo, visit this site:
Para ver m%uFFFDs Fotos de los Animales, Vean esta Pagina:

These animals deserve better.
Estos animales merecen una vida mejor.

Please Sign This Petition For These Animals!

What else can you do to help?

Click here:
As a child I visited el Parque de las Ciencias during school field trips. I had fond memories of a place where you could learn about space, see the stars and planets within a planetarium, and even look at animals all in one day.

About a year ago, I returned to the same park. I was very disappointed when I got to the zoological portion and saw animals within cement enclosures with barely any room to move in.

El Parque de las Ciencias is top 3 on the list of recreations within the city of Bayamon, Puerto Rico. I do commend the city of Bayamon, Puerto Rico for establishing a park where future generations can learn about the sciences. However, the conditions of the animals that are being kept are unacceptable.
Today, as a concerned animal advocate, I, along the undersigned concerned public, call upon Mayor (Alcalde) Ramon Luis Rivera:

- To explain all the claims that have been brought about the conditions that these animals are being kept in.

-To explain and address why el Parque de las Ciencias's zoological portion remains open when the park cannot obviously provide spacious enclosures and are kept in filth.

-To explain and address why the zoological portion of the park remains open when the Parque de las Ciencias  has been repeatedly described for all the violations reported by the USDA continuously for more than 10 years, such as:

It's inability unable to provide adequate food or water sources for the animals.

Its inabiliy to provide enclosures that are clean and safe for animals to live in.

Its failure to provide public barriers keeping the visitors from being able to come in contact with the animals.

Its failure to provide environment enrichment to its primates, including failure to provide proper social groups for primates.

Above all, We the undersigned ask for Mayor (Alcalde) Ramon Luis Rivera:

-To explain why the Mayor feels that the animals should just be "left to die off" in el Parque de las Ciencias and to explain why these animals have been kept in filth and in inappropriate and unnatural habitats for so long.  The use of bare cement slab cages and enclosures with trash and nothing but bare ground covered in dried up leaves is unacceptable.

-To work along el Parque de las Ciencias and unaffiliated biologists to establish whether or not these animals are receiving sufficient social, mental, and physical stimulation.

-Above all, we call upon Mayor Ramon Luis Rivera to order the closure of the zoological portion of the park and to send the animals to sanctuaries or to establishments that are more suited to attend to these animals. 

For more detailed descriptions of descriptions of this "mini-zoo" by the USDA, please visit:

We, the undersigned, will not visit or let our children visit the park until these issues are resolved.

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