Help promote Central and Eastern Oregon Rock Crawling

As the sport of Rock Crawling contiunes to expand throughout the country, the quest for difficult trails continues to grow. Oregon, like many other states, has its share of 4x4 trails ranging from easy to moderate. Oregon's local rock crawlers along with the Deschutes County 4 Wheelers want to do our part to show Government organizations that there is a demand for difficult Rock Crawling trails throughout our area. Policy makers are unaware of the large number individuals involved in our sport of Rock Crawling.  They are also unaware of what type of trails suit the needs of many of todays current rock crawling vehicles.  By signing this petition you are showing your support for the sport of rock crawling and the need for maintaining current trails and the construction of new challenging trails throughout Central and Eastern Oregon.

Sign below if you support the need for difficult off-roading and rock crawling trails throughout Central and Eastern Oregon.


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