H.R.3485 : .Sponsor: Rep DeGette, Diana [CO-1]

Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) was able to get a provision into the Food and Drug Administration Globalization Act of 2008 that would give the FDA the power to issue mandatory recalls of contaminated food. But she has yet to get a provision into the bill that would require the agency to devise a food tracing system. Ms. DeGette points out that the technology exists to trace food and produce from the farm to the dinner table. It's time that Congress put that technology to work to protect the food supply. Rep. John D. Dingell (D-Mich.), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, who is shepherding the act through the House, must ensure that traceability is included in the final bill. The two provisions together would make a relatively safe food supply that much safer. .

Dear Congresswoman DeGette:
     We the undersigned support your efforts to improve food safety and security.  We want you to know you can count on us to help you in your efforts to get a food tracing system that works in place now. 
      Thank you for working to provide the FDA these tools: recall authority, traceability, improved epidemiological investigations, and private sector certification.

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