Walmart, Don't Sell Us Out by Selling Monsanto Corn

Before consumers can get genetically-modified (GM) foods properly labeled, Monsanto hopes to pull a fast one. It's moving very quickly to get GM sweet corn available on produce shelves of the nation's largest retailer, Walmart.

Among other troubling factors, Monsanto claims that Bt toxin, added to GM corn to rupture the stomachs of insects, breaks down before humans can eat it. However, Bt is already showing up in the blood of pregnant women.

Through use of GM corn-based additives hidden in processed foods, Monsanto has for years exposed humans to numerous health risks, but this would be the first attempt to sell whole ears of GM corn directly to the public.

Other than the direct threat to health, adding another GM crop to fields will make it that much harder for consumers to obtain uncontaminated foods, due to cross-pollination. But if Walmart is pressured to reject GM sweet corn, farmers will be less likely to grow it.

Tell Wal-Mart: don't sell us out by selling Monsanto corn!

We, the undersigned, are no longer willing to accept Monsanto's poisoning of our foods, our land, our water, our air, our wildlife, our bees and our future.

Many consumers are now aware of the risks posed to our health and our planet, created by Monsanto's tampering with nature in a way that is detrimental to us and profitable only to them. We are aware that  Monsanto's GM sweet corn has NOT "been tested for human safety, and it contains three different genetically engineered traits that have never been used in food eaten directly by people" (Food and Water Watch).

We have fought for years to stop this assault and exploitation, demanding, at the very least, proper labeling of GM foods. But our demands and needs have been ignored by the government agencies that should be protecting our health.

So we say to you, now, we will no longer support any company that supports and sells these poisoned foods, especially those that are not properly labeled.

We request that you immediately inform Monsanto that you have no intention of selling its Bt genetically-modified sweet corn or any other GM corn or food.

Thank you for your serious and prompt attention to this request. We can only wait a short time for your adequate response, as Monsanto is planning to plant this poisonous crop soon.


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