Tell Drax BioMass: Stop Destroying Our Health and Our Southern Forests

Southern forests are being clearcut to meet Europe's demand for wood pellets as a fuel source, coming at a high cost to our health, environment, and climate.
Forests defend against climate change and are home to many species of plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. But biomass isn't only destroying our environment, it's also threatening the health of millions of innocent people.
Industrial biomass facilities spew a toxic stew of poisons into our air – many of which have been linked to cancer, heart attacks, strokes, asthma, and birth defects.[1,2] Biomass is so dangerous the American Lung Association, the American Cancer Society, and the American Heart Association have all made arguments against it.[3]
Drax Biomass is THE company behind this invasion of biomass production in our region. Of course, Drax likes to claim it's green and a renewable energy industry, but we know better. We can't let this corporation sacrifice our forests and health to line its pockets and fuel Europe's energy needs.
Right now in the South, the biomass industry is expanding at an alarming rate – with approximately 20 existing biomass facilities and more than 30 facilities in the works. Now more than ever we must speak out!
It's time Drax be a real leader and support energy sources like solar and wind that don't destroy our natural forests, wildlife habitat and hurt the health of our communities. Sign and urge Drax to stop investing in biomass, be a true leader in renewable energy!
The Southeast's forests are being leveled to meet Europe's demand for wood pellets as a fuel source. But this industry comes at a high cost for our communities – not only destroying Southern forests but also threatening the health of millions of innocent people.
The biomass facilities that produce wood pellets spew a toxic stew of poisons into our air – volatile organic compounds, sulfur dioxide, dioxins, and nitrogen oxides – all of which have been linked to cancer, heart attacks, strokes, asthma, and birth defects. [1,2] Biomass is so dangerous major organizations including the American Lung Association, the American Cancer Society, and the American Heart Association have all made formal arguments against it. [3]
Drax Biomass is THE company behind this invasion of biomass production in our region. Of course, Drax likes to claim it's green and a renewable energy industry, but we know better. We can't let this corporation sacrifice our forests and health to line its pockets and fuel Europe's energy needs.