Justice for the torturers of "Colin" the kitten in Clare, Ireland and support for her to remain with the rescue group who saved her.

Please support the cause to bring the harshest punishment to the teenage torturers of this very young kitten.

Poor "Colin", a tiny female kitten only weeks old, was kicked around like a soccer ball and tortured by being held down on a scorching hot frying pan.

All the while, this was filmed and posted on snapchat by these two teenage sickos. In addition to this, a local rescue group who had rescued her from this horror and provided veterinary care for "Colin" were forced by local law enforcement in Kilrush to hand her back to her owner who is a friend of the two torturers.

Sign now to demand that the rescue centre be allowed to care for and rehome the kitten with someone who loves her, and who will not allow her to be harmed.

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