Fossil Fuel Interests Are Fueling Disinformation Campaigns to Stop New Wind Farms
A new report out of Brown University has helped expose a hidden network of fossil fuel interests and climate change deniers that are fueling pushback against new offshore wind turbine projects.
The report lays out the dizzying tangle of conservative think tanks, Koch-funded initiatives, and climate-denying nonprofits hiding behind small community organizations that provide a public-friendly face to their self-interested motives to stop the development of new clean energy sources.
One example? The pleasantly named "Save Right Whales Coalition", which supports 11 ostensibly grassroots organizations, is founded, funded, and staffed by Environmental Progress, a nonprofit known for downplaying the risks of climate change while undermining renewable energy.
The details can be hard to follow, but the report's conclusion isn't: Supposedly "grassroots" organizations opposing offshore wind are quietly being funneled money and resources by parties with no interest in the deep sea or the greenness of our ocean.
We've seen this trick in the fossil fuel industry's playbook before – and we won't be fooled this time. Sign the petition to say NO to fossil fuel disinformation and YES to new clean energy projects like offshore wind.
A new report out of Brown University called "Against the Wind" has exposed that many of the funders and resources being funneled to groups like yours are coming from fossil fuel interests bent on stopping new clean energy projects so that we are forced to rely on polluting fossil fuels for electricity for decades to come.
As someone concerned about the climate and the world we will be leaving to future generations, I'm calling on you to say no to taking money, staff, resources, and information from these fossil fuel interest groups.
If these tactics sound familiar, it's because they are. The same groups behind these tactics successfully derailed progress on fighting climate change for decades. Anti-offshore wind think tanks and advocacy groups are churning out misleading, biased reports and talking points – and we must not take the bait in our work to develop responsibly as we build out clean energy.
Please take the climate crisis with the urgency it demands, and don't be fooled by the fossil fuel interests spreading disinformation to try to slow our progress.