Ask Trump: "If you're 'the biggest' IVF champion, why didn't you do a damn thing to get the IVF rights bill passed in the Senate?"

IVF treatments have helped millions of families to have children, and they have strong support across the political spectrum, except for an idiot extreme on the far right. And Donald Trump recently claimed that no one is a bigger champion of IVF than he is.

So why didn't he do a damn thing to push for passage of a critically important IVF rights bill in the Senate?  

With only two Republicans supporting it, a phone call or even a tweet from Trump could have easily flipped several more, and put this bill on a path to law. And yet, Trump did nothing, apparently too scared of the anti-abortion extremists who want to outlaw IVF and even contraception.

Trump is a spineless liar whose word cannot be trusted, and who will drop to his knees before the extreme right every time.  And he needs to be forced to explain his inaction, and make it clear before all that he will do nothing to protect freedom.

Ask Trump: "If you're an IVF champion, why didn't you do a damn thing to get the IVF protection bill passed in the Senate?"

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