Over 10 million Americans belong to environmental organizations and the League of Conservation Voters is working to make sure that their voices are heard loud and clear on Election Day 2004 and every day between now and then.
Take the pledge to Give Bush the Boot and join LCVs growing team of committed environmentalists who have agreed to take 5 e-actions against the Bush Administrations environmental onslaught and work to elect a pro-environment president in 2004.
By joining our Environmental Action E-Team, you will receive a weekly newsletter keeping you up to date on the latest happenings in environmental politics and what actions you can take to hold the Bush Administration and Congress accountable for their steady rollbacks of our clean air, clean water and public lands protections. Well combine the power of our E-Team members to spread the word about Bushs record and get every environmentalist to the polls on Election Day.
Together we can Give Bush the Boot and clear the way for a pro-environment president in 2004.
The Undersigned