A Mama Dog and Her Puppies Died After This Man Locked Them in Cages for Two Weeks Without Food or Water

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Colorado authorities
A horrifying case of animal abuse has emerged in Brighton, Colorado and we cannot stand by in silence. A man allegedly left two dogs locked in wired-shut kennels for more than two weeks without taking them out. By the end of this unimaginable neglect, one of the dogs had died. She'd passed away after partially delivering a litter of puppies, all of which also perished.

This man's actions show a blatant disregard for the welfare of these defenseless creatures, and we must protect future animals from being around him. 

Sign the petition to ban him from animal ownership now!

Imagine the terror, pain, and stress these dogs endured while trapped in such a small space for days on end, with no relief. Even worse: the man had wired them into their cages without food or water!

Luckily, a second dog was recovered from the scene alive and is being treated by veterinarians. We don't know yet if he will survive.

Authorities have since charged the man with aggravated cruelty animals. Brighton Police Chief Matt Domenico stated, "Our city is no place for animal cruelty of any kind." We wholeheartedly agree! That's why we are calling on Colorado authorities to take a firm stand against animal cruelty by ensuring that this man is banned from ever owning or working with animals again.

Sign this petition to urge authorities to take immediate action and ensure that this man is permanently barred from any form of animal ownership!
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