Government Funding Requires for training Paternoster Culture Guides

The Beach Camp in Cape Columbine Nature Reserve, Paternoster, Western Cape, SA is trying to initiate a drive with the help of the Saldanha Bay Tourism Organisation in order to gain funding from the local municipal government.  This funding will be used to training up - at the very least - second-generation Paternoster locals for Cultural Guiding within the Paternoster area.
Paternoster is a fishing village along the West Coast of the Western Cape Province in South Africa.  Tourism is booming however there are no local cultural guides in this area.  The fishing communities quotas issued out by the government was not sufficient this year.  These are folk that have grown up fishing for a living from little boats for years.  Of course it has affected their means of making a living.

Local government through providing this funding in order to train some of them up as Cultural Guides can supplement this.

The Beach Camp has put this idea forward to the Saldanha Bay Tourism Organisation who is going to do their best to drive this process.  We have also offered to subsidize the accommodation for the qualified trainer in order to lessen the cost to local government.

We need your help in putting some pressure on them to see this funding being granted.

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