PMU Horses Lose Again To Wyeth Pharmaceuticals

Wyeth Pharmaceuticals 
is a multi-billion dollar GLOBAL company which manufactures postmenopausal drugs by the names of Premarin and Prempro. These drugs are made with the urine from pregnant mares (PMU).

http://WWW.naeric. org/) is an organization that contracts with horse ranches for Wyeth; supposedly it is to represent the RANCHERS. 

In PMU ranches, mares are kept in a state of perpetual pregnancy in order to collect their urine. Foals are an unwanted by-product of this industry.

It is estimated that, in addition to the mares and stallions who have outlived their usefulness, around 30,000 foals are sent to auction every year which, in most cases, is a death sentence.

Rescue organizations have been placing some of these horses with loving families, But now Wyeth and NAERIC have apparently put a new
policy in place that does not allow rescue organizations to purchase PMU horses from active ranches at all.
Ranchers, who must contract with NAERIC in order to sell their product (PMU) are thereby being forced to make different, less humane choices about what to do with their foals and horses that are no longer useful to them for this industry.
We also believe that subsidies to aid purchase and transportation previously in place have been reduced or eliminated.

Consequently, many of these mares, stallions and foals whose lives might otherwise have been saved, will be
sold, fattened and sent to slaughter.


Please sign this; let Wyeth know that its
as if they were used tissues.

For more information, please contact:

also sign Virginia Snowden's petition:

Mr. Robert Essner;
On behalf of the tens of thousands of horses who've been locked into little cages and overbred to produce Pregnant Mare Urine for your company since the 1940s; we THE CONSUMER step forward to ask that you remove the new policy which denies individuals and Rescue Organizations the right to purchase horses no longer useful to your they mares, stallions, or foals.

Wyeth has a long and noteable history of HELPING people and animals by developing new and/or better medicines; however in this instance the horses are sadly losing out. By denying 'regular' people and organizations the right to purchase horses from your ranchers, you are indirectly responsible for sending most of these horses directly to the slaughterhouses.

Until we see a change in policy, we consumers will boycott Wyeth products as possible, including but not limited to:
Advil, Alavert, Anbesol, Caltrate, Centrum Brands, Chapstick,  Dimetapp, Effexor,  Effexor XR, ,FiberCon, Inderal, Inderal LA, Inderide,  Lo/Ovral, Lodine, Norplant System, Premarin Vaginal cream, Premarin, Premarin Intravenous, Premphase, Prempro, Preparation H, Primatene, Robitussin Brands

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We will not just 'go away'.

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