• par: Persephone Troll
  • destinataire: Kanawha County, WV assistant prosecutor William Longwell

On June 9, 2015, Amanda Dawn Woods' house was entered. Woods was the director of the now defunct rescue, Karen and Friends Animal Rescue. The house was ankle deep in cat feces and trash. There was no water or electricity and there hadn't been for months. The air reeked of ammonia so badly that neighbors had complained about it. There were over 20 cats there also and they were all seized. Pictures were taken and there was even the remains of a cat on a trash pile. Woods swears she doesn't know anything about a dead cat, despite the pictures. She has even stated that the shelter director put it there to "make her look bad."

The cats were taken to the Kanawha County shelter where the majority of them were humanely euthanized because they were extremely ill. The shelter didn't have the room or the funds to care for them. 4 cats that Woods claimed as her own were treated at a vet's and returned to the shelter where they have languished in small cages for the last 6 months.

Woods had the chance to plead guilty at her pre-trial and would likely have received a fine and told she could not have animals for 5 years. She chose to fight the charges (despite the pics and reports from the shelter vet that the cats were all very ill) saying she could prove the cats were well with vet records.

In the past 6 months, Woods has bad mouthed everyone who has spoken the truth about her house or cats. She filed frivolous lawsuits against the shelter, it's director, the reporters who wrote the stories and their respective employers, even the county prosecutor. She has spoken many times about a "conspiracy " to bring her down. She also had the gall and arrogance to sue for "pain and suffering" after all the suffering she, herself, has caused.

She has, until the 20th of this month, still been soliciting funds for her rescue, even though she has stated in early articles on her, that the rescue was over. She also has no business license. It has long been revoked for lack of filing required paperwork for 2014 and 2015.

Her trial is coming up on Jan. 22, 2016

I've been accused of posting lies, so here are links to the articles where my story comes from.

No matter how upset these stories and pictures may make you, please do not contact her in any way. Let's just let our voices be heard here. We're growing stronger in number every day. Thank you for your concern and your signatures. 

June 9 and 10, 2015


June 23, 2015


July 28, 2015


August 4, 2015


August 24, 2015


Pictures are at the address below, but be warned...they are GROSS AND GRAPHIC


Mettre À Jour #4il y a 9 ans
There has FINALLY been a date set for the trial again. This is the third attempt to take care of this matter and I doubt there will be any more continuances. March 13th is the day. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks for your support!
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 9 ans
I'm still waiting to hear about a new court date and will update you as soon as I know. In the meantime, she will be going to court over the numerous frivolous lawsuits she has filed. I expect them all to be dismissed as a waste of the court's time. I'll let you know how it's going. Thanks for your support and for sharing.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 9 ans
Because of the snowstorm settling in to parts of the country, Amanda Woods' court date was continued. I don't have the new date yet, but as soon as I do, it will be posted. Thank you for signing and sharing. Please keep sharing with your friends. Animal abusers deserve harsher penalties and that can only happen if we all stick together and make our views known. Speak up and speak out!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
Thank you for signing my petition. Unfortunately, the maximum sentence at this time is only 6 months. That will also include no animals for 5 years. It's not nearly enough but I hope if we all keep standing up and raising our "voices" that laws will be changed to reflect the seriousness of these crimes. Thankfully, animal abuse is now a federal offense so they ARE starting to listen. Thank you again. PT
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