Global Manifest in Favour of Peace and Pacifist Political Decisions: NO TO DEATH! YES TO LIFE!

  • par: Cristina Coutinho
  • destinataire: Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary General, United Nations
Nowadays our politicians have chosen WAR instead of Dialog, Legality and Universal Fraternity and present it as the only solution for all evils. War is never a solution and it only serves the economic and egocentric interests that move behind. Raise your voice for peace!
Considering the present world situation we would like to express that we are in favour of Life, against man�s death by man, supporting all kinds of Pacifist Fight, on the basis of debate, democracy, respect of all cultures, Christian and non-Christian and of their religious, ethnic and cultural traditions, respecting the sacred individual freedom, the spirit of universal fraternity, within the respect for differences, where all different and all equal, we make the union in diversity, and we declare:

1) It�s high time to put an end to all wars. They only spread pain, hatred and miseries, apart from the interests that may lie underneath;

2) That the accumulated army arsenal is so terrible that makes us fear the outburst of any generalised conflict, because their consequences may lead us to think if after that there would be a chance carrying on with Life manifested in its beauty and wealth (biodiversity), that makes of our planet such a desirable cosmic jewel. Perhaps, after such conflict only desolation would stay, all Life would be extinguished.

For the above mentioned reasons and in the name of all Human Beings of different races, we declare that human beings must stay in this Planet and should take constructive measures leading to progress in peace, towards universal evolution, inside the spirit of Unity, Harmony and Synchronism. We are in favour of a conscious establishment of the Universal Human Family, like Social Intercourse, where all traditional values of each people, their roots and culture should be respected and maintained.
We are in favour of research in order to fight environmental contamination, for the protection of animal and vegetable species. We would like to help saving our dear Planet, which is, as the Consciousness of the Primitive Man would say, the Mother Earth, that protects and shelters us.
We would like to see the sun shining on the face of each Human Being, with a smile of trust and walking safely into the Future.
We would also like that each child may have his place here and the right to live with joy and Peace.
We are in favour of Peace, against all kinds of wars, even the ones that are presented as a solution for Peace.
Mahatma Gandhi gave his example of how to work for Peace.
The Tibetan people are teaching the world how to fight for Peace.
Tyrants, dictators and oppressors may eliminate us with their power or may kill our bodies, but they can�t possibly impose silence to our scream of protest against war, the cry of our Hymn of Victory for Peace and for Life.

Yours Faithfully,

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