Justice for the Wolfeboro Great Danes
- par: Jaime M
- destinataire: Town of Wolfeboro
Two misdemeanor counts, that’s all 60 year old Christina Fay has been charged with for leaving her 84 great danes in conditions “worse than anything you can put words to,”.
On a tip, rescuers raided her New Hampshire mansion and found dozens of sick and scared great danes living in absolute squalor. Some said the stench of ammonia was so strong it burned their eyes, others described the floor being covered in feces, raw chicken and maggots.
Ms. Fay is no stranger to authorities, in 2015 she was caught running an unlicensed kennel across state lines in Maine. After being warned, instead of going through proper channels to be in compliance, she skipped town and started a hound house of horrors.
Even more heartbreaking is witnesses report having seen Fay staple a dog’s wounds shut after being injured and by the time officials arrived the dogs were so malnourished and ill some were completely missing their paw pads, others had a highly contagious virus.
Fay has shown she has no respect for living things or the law. For people like her a misdemeanor will not stop her from committing horrible abuses again. Wolfeboro officials need to charge her with the maximum penalty to send a message to her and others who would treat animals this way. Sign the petition and demand justice for the eighty neglected great danes.
Dear Wolfeboro City Officials,
The animal abuse Ms. Fay is accused of is both saddening and very disturbing and if she is found guilty, she should face a punishment in accordance with the law for such neglect. I don’t believe 2 misdemeanors equals justice in this case.
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