Help Save Beluga Sturgeon

  • par: Suzanne Wu
  • destinataire: Roddy Gable, Chief, Division of Scientific Authority U.S. Fish & Wildlife
Beluga sturgeon are on the brink of extinction, largely due to a towering demand for beluga caviar around the world. The population of beluga sturgeon in the Caspian Sea has plunged by more than 90% in the past two decades. Overfishing, poaching, habitat loss and pollution have collectively contributed to this crisis. But consumers and governments around the world can help protect this remarkable fish that has existed since the time of dinosaurs.

The United States is the world’s largest beluga caviar importer, bringing in 80% of beluga caviar exports. Because the United States represents a significant source of the demand for the imperiled beluga sturgeon’s eggs, three conservation organizations through the Caviar Emptor campaign petitioned the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to list the fish as an endangered species. As a result of abounding scientific evidence showing dramatic declines in the beluga sturgeon population, the U.S. FWS has proposed listing the beluga sturgeon as an endangered species. A listing of beluga sturgeon as endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act would result in a halt to all importation of beluga caviar into the United States.

U.S. FWS has opened a 90-day public comment period. You can help save the beluga sturgeon by registering your support to list it as an endangered species.

As an individual who cares about wildlife, I am writing to register my support for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s proposal to place the beluga sturgeon on the Endangered Species List. With the U.S. importing 80 percent of the world’s beluga caviar, we play a major role in the future of this species. Please list the beluga sturgeon as soon as possible.

Thank you for your consideration.

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