The Trump administration has taken the next step to drill the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil and gas by issuing a draft environmental impact statement that could open the coastal plain of the refuge to leasing sometime later this year.
Time is running out to stop the Trump administration and Big Oil from invading the Arctic Refuge.
Step by despicable step, the campaign to plunder one of America's greatest wildlife sanctuaries for oil profits is advancing. But it's not too late to stop this nefarious plan – make your voice heard today!
Please take action today and tell the Trump administration: Hands off the Arctic Refuge!
Dear Secretary Bernhardt,
I am writing to express my strong opposition to drilling within the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
The Bureau of Land Management's recently released draft environmental impact statement provides an inadequate and incomplete assessment of how drilling will impact wildlife, climate change and the native Gwich'in who have relied on the landscape for millennia. Despite promising a robust, scientifically sound review process, the administration has repeatedly cut corners at every step of the way by requiring arbitrary deadlines and limitations on the scope of environmental review in order to rush through the leasing process in 2019. This shameful report only includes action alternatives that would drill most or all of the coastal plain and would open its entire 1.5 million acres to intrusive and harmful seismic exploration without meaningfully assessing those impacts either.
The coastal plain is the biological heart of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, home to abundant wildlife including polar and grizzly bears, wolves, muskoxen, Arctic fox and migratory birds from all fifty states. This vital landscape provides the most important onshore denning habitat for polar bears in the United States. Virtually the entire coastal plain is essential calving grounds for the Porcupine caribou herd - a species the Gwich'in depend on for their survival.
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The American people deserve better. Alaska Natives deserve better. Our wildlife deserve better. Please put a stop to this aggressive attempt to drill our Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
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