Tell Santorum To Step Aside

  • par: Casey For PA
  • destinataire: Honorable Rick Santorum, United States Senate
With the Jack Abramoff scandal making headlines across the country, the Republican culture of corruption is unraveling. It's clear that reforms must be made. And if you want real ethics reform then you need leadership from someone who will be part of the solution, not the problem.

Republican Majority Leader Bill Frist recently chose Rick Santorum to head up the GOP's attempt to draft ethics reform legislation. This is the equivalent of having the rooster guard the hen house as Santorum now spearheads the Republican's K Street Project. Founded by Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff, and Grover Norquist, the K Street Project was created to influence the hiring decisions of lobbying firms and ensure that only Republican loyalists were given jobs.

Demand that Rick Santorum step down from his leadership position in drafting ethics reform legislation.

This is the root of the problems that have led to investigations, indictments, and guilty pleas from elected officials and DC power brokers in a developing pay to play scandal. Rick Santorum has taken the helm from Tom Delay and is leading the charge.

Help end this hypocrisy - call on Rick Santorum to step aside.

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