Ban Practice of Exposing Beagle Pups to Rabies Virus as Research Ploy

  • par: Sue Lee
  • destinataire: Prime Minister of Taiwan, Mao Chi-Kuo

Despite previous attempts to stop the practice of infecting beagle pups with the rabies virus, the Taiwanese Council of Agriculture (COA) is still planning to do so as a means of testing the effectiveness of this new strain in dogs.  The idea is to inject at least 14 beagle puppies with the rabies virus, which is a cruel method of experimentation on this sweet, innocent babies.  Read for more of the details on this type of research. Other methods have been suggested rather than subjecting animals to these harmful practices.

Urges to stop these cruel practices and experiments continue to fall on deaf ears in Taiwan, despite efforts to get all citizens with pets to engage in a rabies vaccination program.  Doctors and other organizations have tried to intervene as well but the government is still planning on giving the rabies virus to all these beagle pups.  This is such cruel and needless treatment of these poor dogs and such research or the rabies virus should be conducted without abusing any animals.

Our efforts in this petition is to encourage the government of Taiwan to place and full and permanent ban on the practice of experimenting on beagle pups by injecting them with the rabies virus.  This is very abusive to the animals and can have severe effects on the puppies, leading to such issues as anxiety, confusion, painful muscle spasms, paralysis, and even death. There is no need to have these poor pups endure such painful experiments when there are indeed other non-animal procedures that can be effective in testing the effects of the rabies vaccine. You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.  Be a voice for these pups and ensure their safety through a countrywide ban on infecting them with the rabies virus.

Prime Minister of Taiwan, Mao Chi-Kuo – We strongly urge you to place and full and permanent ban on the practice of experimenting on beagle pups by injecting them with the rabies virus.  This is very abusive to the animals and can have severe effects on the puppies, leading to such issues as anxiety, confusion, painful muscle spasms, paralysis, and even death. There is no need to have these poor pups endure such painful experiments when there are indeed other non-animal procedures that can be effective in testing the effects of the rabies vaccine. PLEASE STOP THE USE OF BEAGLE PUPS IN YOUR EXPERIMENTS AND OPT FOR NON-ANIMAL METHODS.


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