We Demand a Response!

  • par: Jenn Onofrio
  • destinataire: Mike Huckabee, Governor of Arkansas, State Capitol
We have given the Governor a civic appeal in support of the West Memphis Three and have not received a response. Please help us demand one.
By signing this petition I am joining forces with Jenn Onofrio, Paul Rhyand, and the thousands of other supporters of the West Memphis Three, to demand a response from you, Governor Mike Huckabee. Because Ms. Onofrio and Mr. Rhyand have spent so many hours dissecting and objectively deconstructing the case, I am asking that you respond to them and to me and tell us all the grounds upon which you are able to rationalize the continued imprisonment of Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley, Jr.

We will not allow this injustice to continue, and we call upon you to offer your response.
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