Stop Big Oil From Blasting Airguns in Whale Habitat

We have to act now to save one of the world's most endangered whales from Big Oil. President Obama recently gave oil companies the green light to explore for oil off the Atlantic Coast, from Delaware to Florida. This means seismic testing -- blasting sound guns 100,000 times louder than a jet engine underwater.
Right whales raise their babies off the Atlantic Coast, and the calving season just started. But oil companies are gearing up to blast airguns in the area that can deafen, maim and kill these highly endangered animals. Seismic surveys use powerful explosions that disrupt whales' feeding, breeding, communications and other essential behaviors.
There are fewer than 500 North Atlantic right whales left in the world, and this plan could expose them to hundreds of incidents of harassment and harm.
Besides right whales, Obama's massive oil and gas exploration plan is expected to injure other marine mammals more than 138,000 times and cause another 13.6 million instances of harassment and habitat abandonment. It's outrageous.
Tell Obama: Don't let Big Oil kill whales for crude.
Dear President Obama,
Do not open the Atlantic Coast to oil exploration and drilling. The Atlantic is crucial habitat for whales and dolphins that are threatened by high-intensity seismic surveys --blasts that can deafen and kill marine mammals.
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The plan to allow massive oil and gas surveys in the Atlantic threatens to drive the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale even closer to extinction. What's more, opening this precious coastline to the dirty business of oil drilling will deepen our climate crisis.
We're counting on your leadership to protect our oceans and coastal economies -- and to head off dangerous climate change. Stop Big Oil from transforming the wildlife habitat of the eastern seaboard into an industrial matrix of drilling platforms and pipelines.
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