Children's Protective Services - Abuse of Power -

  • par: Suncana Sesic Alvarado
  • destinataire: Petitions Team, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Office of the United Nations -OHCHR
          What shall we say ?

     What shall we say when history asks how such crimes came to be committed in the name " In The 'BEST INTEREST' of OUR Children"  Will we say that we stood silently by, shrugging our shoulders, filling our bellies, closing our eyes? Or will we be able to say: We saw. We dissented. We resisted. We condemned. For all those who want to open their eyes to the horrors of the illegal kidnapping OUR children , and to the brutality, social injustice and moral corruption of the Child Protective Services . Go, see, open your eyes, and let them know -- these torturers, these bloodstained betrayers of our common humanity - let them know that you know what they are, what they have done.

Text of DeLay's farewell address -June 8, 2006
"... these children throw their despair and distrust into a black plastic trash bag, along with their few belongings, and head off to the next place... the next let-down. They are abused and neglected long before they ever reach our abusive and neglectful foster care system - and once in, things often only get worse. Children are dying, Mr. Speaker, inside and out... and it's our fault." Read more....
                                   Congressman Tom DeLay

Child advocate in Chicago said: "-an infant in a paper bag on the freeway at rush hour is safer than a child in protective custody there."

Number of Cases per 100,000 children in the United States.  These numbers come from The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) in Washington.

           Perpetrators of Maltreatment
Physical Abuse:      CPS= 160  -     Parents =  59
Sexual Abuse :      CPS = 112   -    Parents = 13
Neglect:              CPS = 410   -   Parents = 241
Medical Neglect:     CPS = 14    -    Parents = 12
Fatalities:             CPS = 6,4   -    Parents = 1,5
Did you know that.....?!

 More than 75% of care leavers have
no academic qualifications of any kind !!!!  Read more.....

"This is a matter of conscience," - "How can I know what's happening to children and families out there and still let it continue to happen?"
Adoption Bonuses: The Money Behind the Madness
For every child that can get adopted, there is a bonus of $4,000 to $6,000. 
DSS and affiliates rewarded for breaking up families!  Must read 

Information provided by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, in Fiscal 2003, 30 foster children died in our state's care; in Fiscal 2004, 38 foster children died; and in Fiscal 2005, 48 foster children died.
"Data shows that while the number of foster children in our state's care increased 24 percent from 26,133 in Fiscal 2003 to 32,474 in Fiscal 2005, the number of deaths increased 60 percent. Read more....

Please Give Innocent Children a Voice !
Last year over two million American families were falsely accused !!!
It is not in any one individual state but is now a worldwide epidemic.

Since the Adoption & Safe Families Act, with states in competition for the Federal Funds offered for promoting adoptions, Walter Mondale expressed concerns that states could create a business in dealing with children. 

In the name of "child protection" children have been beaten. In the name of "children's rights" children have been raped. And in the name of "erring on the side of the child," children have been murdered. These are the stories of some of those children: In memory of Children protected to DEATH by CPS.

               In The Name of Those Children
                       We are asking For:
Victims of Child Welfare Memorial Day-
 to remember those who have died as a result of Child Welfare in their lives. -
Take Action Send Citizen  Request To: The White House

"When will justice come? When those who are not injured become as indignant as those who are." -Leon Tolstoy



Actions speak louder than words !
keep it short, simple and straightforward !
It is time to expose the government agencies that are destroing families for what they are. How many more families have to be destroied before action is taken. How many more children have to die in government so called care?
"Government has created a social welfare industry that it cannot control, a monster that will swallow up the government that created it. The "best interests of children and families" are irrelevant to it. It is about jobs, careers and money, but most of all money.Child Welfare Program is a conspiracy at the highest level of government. It is a conspiracy that takes direct aim at the poor, single, uneducated parent, the vulnerable. It targets the immigrants, the minorities and the disabled. It has nothing to do with the "best interests of the child." It is a policy that leaves children in drug houses and violent/dangerous situations because the "workers" are too afraid to enter them."

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