Reform U.S. Foreign Aid!

U.S. foreign assistance has helped reduce child deaths, improve agricultural capacity and increase school enrollment. But more lives can be saved if we improve the way we deliver foreign aid.
Currently, our government's global development policies and programs are scattered across 12 departments, 25 different agencies and nearly 60 government offices. A more efficient foreign assistance system -- with better coordination, better accountability and better clarity -- means that people get help faster and more effectively. And it means less waste and more impact for our tax dollars.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee will consider a bipartisan bill, H. R. 2139 or the Initiating Foreign Assistance Reform Act of 2009, after the Memorial Day recess. This historic bill will require the Obama administration to develop and implement a comprehensive national strategy for global development and includes other initial reforms to make U.S. foreign assistance more accountable.
Write your Representative to cosponsor the bill today!
Dear Representative [Name],
Please cosponsor H.R. 2139, the Initiating Foreign Assistance Reform Act of 2009. This bill is a good first step in making our nation's foreign assistance more effective and streamlined.
U.S. foreign assistance has helped reduce child deaths, improve agricultural capacity and increase school enrollment. But more lives can be saved if we improve the way foreign aid is delivered. It will also mean less waste and more impact for our tax dollars.
[Your comment here]
By making our foreign assistance more efficient and effective, it will have a greater impact on poor and hungry people around the world. Please cosponsor this important reform bill, H.R. 2139.