Demand for the Removal of Mayor Rosalynn Bliss Due to Neglect and Mismanagement of Water Safety Issues

  • par: Otto Lee
  • destinataire: Michigan Legislature, United States Congress, Govenor Whitmer, Rosalynn Bliss, Joe Biden, Lloyd Austin, Grand Rapids, MI

To: Michigan Legislature, United States Congress, Govenor Whitmer, Rosalynn Bliss, Joe Biden, Lloyd Austin, Grand Rapids Council 

We, the undersigned, call for the immediate removal of Mayor Rosalynn Bliss from office due to her ongoing neglect and mismanagement of critical water safety issues affecting the residents of Grand Rapids. The following points outline the severe concerns that necessitate this action:

1. 38,000 People Without Clean Water: Currently, 38,000 residents are still without access to clean, safe water and are being continuously poisoned by the contaminated water supply. This ongoing crisis requires immediate action to prevent further harm. The Plainfield Township Municipal Water, Alpine Township, and other users of water from Plainfield Township are sourced from rain collecting in a hazardous waste landfill, posing severe health risks. The contamination is compounded by the proximity of municipal well fields to a gas station with leaking underground tanks and other sources of pollution.

Chemicals Found in Our Water:

PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances): Including PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, and others.
Trichloroethylene (TCE): A volatile organic compound used as an industrial solvent.
1,2-Dichloroethane: A chemical used in the production of other chemicals.
CIS-1,2-Dichloroethylene: A compound used as a solvent and in the production of other chemicals.
1,1-Dichloroethane: A chemical used in the manufacture of other chemicals and as a solvent.
Xylene: A solvent found in paints and varnishes.
Ethylbenzene: A compound used in the production of styrene.
Mercury: A heavy metal that can cause severe health problems.
Chromium (Hexavalent): A toxic form of chromium linked to cancer and other serious health issues.
Nitrate: High levels can cause health issues, especially in infants.
Lead: Exposure can cause developmental and neurological issues, particularly in children.
Arsenic: A carcinogen that poses serious health risks with long-term exposure.

2. Free Testing: We demand the immediate provision of free chemical testing for water and blood to identify and monitor the presence of harmful substances in our bodies and water supply.

3. Full Investigation and Frequent Testing: We call for a full investigation of the water company and mandate that water testing be conducted every three months by multiple independent entities. This testing must include all PFAS substances and cover thousands of contaminants, not just a few. We need comprehensive testing to ensure that our water is safe from all harmful substances, replacing the inadequate current practice of testing every three years.

4. Zero Tolerance for Chemicals: We demand a zero-tolerance policy for chemicals in our drinking water. No level of contamination is acceptable, and immediate measures must be taken to ensure all drinking water is free from harmful substances.

5. Zero Tolerance for Chemical Dumping: We demand a zero-tolerance policy for dumping chemicals into the Grand River, with a $100 million fine for any violations. The Grand River serves as a critical water source and recreational area; continuous dumping of toxic substances severely degrades water quality and endangers public health. This fine will ensure that violators are held accountable for the damage caused and will serve as a strong deterrent against future violations. Immediate and effective measures must be enforced to stop this pollution and prevent further environmental harm.

6. Zero Tolerance for Water Company Poisoning: We demand a zero-tolerance policy for any water company poisoning people. Those responsible should face life imprisonment without parole and a $80 million fine. They must also cover all costs associated with the affected areas. This stringent measure is necessary to hold accountable those who endanger public health through their negligence and misconduct.

7. Lack of Transparency and Accountability: Mayor Bliss has failed to address these critical issues transparently, leaving residents uninformed and unable to make safe choices about their water consumption.

8. North Kent Sewage Discharge: The North Kent Sewage Discharge has been releasing PFAS-contaminated wastewater into the Grand River at concentrations exceeding 400 PPT, resulting in numerous violations, including improper sampling methods and failure to follow emergency response actions. This site is located right next to the proposed new well site location, further increasing the risk of water contamination.

9. Grand Rapids State Disposal: The Grand Rapids State Disposal, located near 4 Mile Road, continues to dump toxic substances into the Grand River, further degrading water quality and posing significant health risks to the community.

10. Versluis Lake Contamination: Versluis Lake, formerly known as the Grand Rapids Gravel Pit, is an EPA-listed Part 303(d) impaired water body contaminated with hazardous substances such as Trichloroethylene, 1,2-Dichloroethane, CIS-1,2-Dichloroethylene, 1,1-Dichloroethane, Xylene, Ethylbenzene, and Mercury. Despite these dangers, the township has encouraged families to swim in the lake and has even charged fees for access. Shockingly, there is still a drinking fountain connected to these contaminated wells that remains in use.

  1. Deploy Troops for Cleanup Operations: Utilize the specialized skills and equipment of the U.S. military to assist in the removal of hazardous chemicals from contaminated water sources. This includes deploying engineering units and environmental specialists to conduct thorough cleanup and remediation efforts.
  2. Support Water Filtration and Treatment: Provide military resources to support the installation and maintenance of advanced water filtration and treatment systems. This will help ensure that contaminated water sources are properly cleaned and made safe for consumption.
  3. Conduct Comprehensive Environmental Assessments: Use military expertise to carry out detailed environmental assessments to identify and address sources of contamination. This includes evaluating the extent of pollution, tracking contamination pathways, and recommending effective remediation strategies.
  4. Enhance Coordination and Response Efforts: Assist local and state agencies in coordinating and managing the response to the water contamination crisis. Military support can enhance logistical capabilities and facilitate a more organized and efficient cleanup process.
  5. Provide Technical Expertise and Training: Offer technical expertise and training to local and state personnel involved in the cleanup and remediation efforts. This will help build local capacity and ensure that long-term solutions are effectively implemented.
  6. Clean Up Rivers and Lakes: Immediate action is needed to clean up our rivers and lakes that have been severely impacted by contamination. Comprehensive cleanup efforts are essential to restore the health of our natural water bodies and ensure safe recreational and drinking water.

It is unbelievable that we can send 40,000 troops to Israel and provide extensive support to Ukraine while our own state struggles with a severe water contamination crisis. As citizens of this country, our first priority should be the safety and well-being of our own communities. Michigan's water contamination issue demands immediate attention and resources, ensuring that our citizens are cared for before international commitments.
Our state should receive the same level of support and urgency that we extend to other countries. We deserve action that prioritizes our health and safety, demonstrating that our government values the well-being of its citizens above all else.

Mayor Bliss's failure to effectively manage these severe water safety issues demonstrates a profound neglect of her duties to protect the health and well-being of Grand Rapids residents. We demand immediate action to address these concerns and hold those responsible accountable.

By signing this petition, we call on the Grand Rapids City Council to take the necessary steps to remove Mayor Rosalynn Bliss from office and appoint a leader who will prioritize the safety and health of our communities. Sign this petition to urge the federal government to deploy military resources to Michigan to address the water contamination crisis, clean up our rivers and lakes, and enforce a zero-tolerance policy with a minimum $100 million fine for chemicals in drinking water and illegal dumping.  & Arrest those who have been contaminating our state for years  lets ensure that those responsible are held accountable for all damages and that all cleanup efforts are completed thoroughly. If this issue is not addressed, we will respectfully consider the option to leave the USA, following the example of Texas and New Hampshire, to protect the health and safety of our people. Let's put our citizens first and secure the safe water supply we all deserve.


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