Demand a ceasefire to protect civilians in Gaza and Lebanon

At Humanity and Inclusion UK, we are extremely concerned by the catastrophic situation in Gaza, the recent escalation of violence between Israel and Lebanon and the expansion of the conflict into the wider region. Civilians on all sides are suffering as a result.

Our team is working in conditions of extreme insecurity, with most of our staff and volunteers in Gaza having been displaced from their homes repeatedly over the last 12 months. But even in these horrendous conditions, they are continuing to work tirelessly to support the most vulnerable people, distributing relief supplies and providing emergency rehabilitation and psychological care. Among those displaced, older people, disabled people and wounded civilians are the worst-affected by the crisis. Supporting them is our top priority.

Sign our petition and join us in calling on all parties to the conflict to immediately cease all hostilities in the region, for hostages to be released, and for humanitarian assistance to be allowed to reach all affected communities immediately and unconditionally to prevent further suffering.

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