Stop Supporting the Last Dictator of Europe

Young people of Belarus and Russia are trying to stop the world's largest country supporting Aliaksandr Lukashenka, the last dictator of Europe, president of Belarus.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation
S. V. Lavrov
February 18, 2006, Moscow

Dear Mister Minister,

We have gathered on Smolenskaya Square on this day in order to express and bring your attention to our opinion on an extraordinarily important issue of Russia's foreign policy.

An authoritarian regime based on personal unreserved power of President Aleksandr Lukashenko has been developing in the neighbouring sister country Belarus. Independent mass media, political opposition, and any dissent are being persecuted. Elections to the legislative and executive branches of government and referendums are conducted with egregious violations and open unpunished falsifications of the results. Many democratic public organizations and associations are persecuted and banned. Human rights lawyer, journalists, and common citizens who disagree with the imposed Lukashenko's authoritarian regime are constantly being oppressed. All of this hinders the forming of the modern civil society in Belarus. The most recent amendments to Belarusian codes of law provide for criminal prosecution for criticism of the regime. These facts are incompatible with the notion of a democratic country. This has been reflected and condemned in resolutions of such organizations as the UN, the OSCE, and the PACE, to which Russian Federation belongs.

Nevertheless, Russia remains perhaps the only country in Europe that shuts its eyes on this and perforce connives at Lukashenko's dictatorial regime. Russia is not Lukashenko's last remaining political ally, but it also is his regime's direct economical sponsor providing dictatorial Belarus with multimillion credits, cheap energy sources virtually becoming an international advocate and hostage for the last dictator of Europe. In addition, Russian government puts up with sabotage by Lukashenko's regime to execute bilateral agreements and with repeated violations of the rights of Russian citizens and businesses in Belarus.

Such foreign policy does not only hurt Russian reputation in the world. It also hinders constructive development of Belarusian-Russian relations and strengthening of sincere friendly feelings between our peoples.

An end must be put to this!

We understand and share Russian government's concerns with the situation in Belarus. We ask you render proper assistance to democratic reforms in this country. Based on the above-stated, we address the government of the Russian Federation with an appeal:

  • To stop supporting Lukashenko's regime that violates constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of Republic of Belarus

  • To take all appropriate measures to assist free and transparent presidential elections in Belarus 2006 and to refuse to recognize the results of the elections if they are falsified

  • To remove from the agenda the issue of the creation of a "Union State" between Russia and Belarus that has become a marked card in political games of the current Belarusian leader. No negotiations are possible until an illegitimate dictatorial regime not recognized by the world community and not responsible to the Belarusian people represents the Belarusian side.

Belarusian freedom is the fraternal duty of Russia!

Yours faithfully,

Participants of the picket
Citizens of Russia and

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Ìîñêâà, 18 ôåâðàëÿ 2006 ã.

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