Tell Gov. Ricketts: Don't veto the bill! End the death penalty!

After a historic vote from the state legislature, Nebraska is poised to end the death penalty — unless Governor Pete Ricketts senselessly vetoes this important bill.

As an ordained Episcopal priest and the father of young twins here in North Omaha, Nebraska, I want to make sure that Governor Ricketts hears from as many death penalty opponents as possible from all across the country. I also used to organize against the death penalty with a local social-justice non-profit, and understand that victories like this require movements. That's why I started this petition - together, this is our chance to finally end state-sponsored killing.

Capital punishment is the most terrible final sanction, perpetuating violence, doing nothing to deter crime, and squandering money that might otherwise be used to prevent and solve crimes.

It is also horribly unjust — minorities, the poor, and those without adequate legal representation are most likely to be sentenced to death.

And it threatens the lives of innocent people. According to the American Civil Liberties Union: "Nationally, at least one person is exonerated for every 10 that are executed."

Lives are on the line. Please sign my petition to convince Governor Ricketts: Don’t veto this important legislation! Let the legislature’s vote stand, and end the death penalty in Nebraska!

Governor Ricketts,

I strongly urge you not to veto the state legislature's repeal of the death penalty.

[Your comments here]


[Your name]
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
Victory! The governor vetoed the bill, but the legislature just voted to override the veto and the death penalty is no more in Nebraska!

Nebraska is a better state because of the actions of thoughtful conservatives, liberals, and Care2 members like you. It is heartening that responsible governing is still possible here and beyond. So many people worked for so long to bring this about, and they are an example of persistence for us all.

Thanks again for your signature and for all you do!

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