Mamana Bibi, a 68-year old grandmother, was killed in October 2012 as she picked vegetables in her family's fields. The U.S. government has not acknowledged her death nor spoken to her grandchildren, some of whom watched the Hellfire missiles hit their grandmother while standing nearby.
We can't bring back Mamana Bibi but, through a process of accountability, we can stop the U.S. government from committing unlawful killings with impunity.
Urge President Obama to explain why and on what legal basis Mamana Bibi was killed, and urge Congress to initiate an independent and impartial investigation of her death and all other alleged unlawful killings resulting from U.S. drone strikes.
Dear President Obama and Members of Congress,
I was shocked to learn that Mamana Bibi, a 68-year-old grandmother in Pakistan, was blown up by a drone missile while picking vegetables on her family's fields as her grandchildren watched in October 2012.
I am deeply concerned about the U.S. drone killings documented in Amnesty International's report "Will I Be Next: US Drone Strikes in Pakistan," including the death of Mamana Bibi.
The U.S. government must take immediate steps to prevent unlawful killings and ensure accountability, including the following:
-- President Obama must explain why Mamana Bibi and the other people whose cases are detailed in the report were killed, including the legal basis.
-- Congress, particularly the Armed Services and Intelligence Committees, must fully, independently and impartially investigate the deaths of Mamana Bibi and the other people whose cases are detailed in the report. Any evidence of human rights violations must be made public.
Furthermore, I urge you to read Amnesty International’s full report at and follow the organization’s full set of recommendations, including:
-- Conduct independent and impartial investigations into all cases where there are reasonable grounds to believe that drone strikes resulted in unlawful killings. This must include all attacks in which civilians are reported to have been killed or injured.
-- Where there is sufficient admissible evidence, bring those responsible to justice in public and fair trials without recourse to the death penalty.
-- Ensure that victims of unlawful drone strikes, including family members of victims of unlawful killings, have effective access to remedies, including in the form of restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition.
-- Offer compensation to families of civilians killed or injured even when investigations suggest that, in a particular killing of civilians, casualties did not result from violations of applicable international law.
-- Cease to invoke the "global war" doctrine, and fully recognize and affirm the applicability of international human rights obligations to all US counter-terrorism measures, including those outside US territory.
-- Ensure that any use of lethal force outside of specific recognized zones of armed conflict complies with international human rights standards, including as set out in UN law enforcement standards.
-- Ensure that any use of lethal force within specific recognized zones of armed conflict and connected to the conflict taking place in that zone complies fully with the USA's obligations under international human rights and humanitarian law, including the rule that if there is doubt as to whether a person is a civilian protected against attack, the person is to be considered a civilian protected against attack.
The long-suffering people of North Waziristan and the rest of the Tribal Areas, including the family of Mamana Bibi, deserve to enjoy the same human rights as everyone else, not least the right to life -- the foundation for all human rights.
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